"I knew something was wrong so I placed the dress on my bed and walked quietly towards where my parents were at. I could already hear them yelling, I didn't know exactly what they were saying but their voices were rising. Finally I could hear them, my mother's voice grew louder 'don't you dare walk out that goddamn door. It's your daughter's birthday for godsake, the damn club can wait for one fucking day.'

"I couldn't hear anymore of their fighting, I ran towards my room and started crying and placed my hands over my ears so hard trying to drown out their fighting. Gabe came in just then he picked me up and placed me on his lap. He rocked back and forth trying to calm me down but as long as the yelling remained I still cried. Soon it got quiet in the house, I scrambled off Gabriel's lap and left my room. I searched all over the house but there was no sign of Blade, I heard my mom yelling but I didn't care. I opened the front door and there was no sign of Blade's motorcycle.

"My mom pulled me back inside and told Gabriel to help get me ready that the guest would be arriving soon. I didn't want to leave the front door. I was so confused then Blade had said he was going to get me my presents from grandma and grandpa but mom said it was club business. I was so convinced that Blade wouldn't lie to me so I let Gabriel help get me ready wearing the dress that Blade had chosen. So it was time for the party.

"I was greeting all my friends but looking at the door as well. I was watching for club members and Blade. I was so focused on waiting for them that I don't even remember my party. It was like I was on autopilot. About an hour to an hour and a half later the party ended but there was no sign of Blade or the club members all day. My little heart broke then, Blade had done something he promised me he would never do. He lied.

"I couldn't sleep at all that night. I was waiting up for Blade, it was maybe about midnight when I left my room to go to the living room. When I walked past my mom's room I heard her crying, I had no idea what was going on. I placed my body onto the living room couch and just wrapped myself up watching the front door. I stayed up all night waiting but Blade never came home. When Gabe came down stairs he saw me on the couch looking at the front door.

"'Aria were you down here all night?' I remember Gabriel asking me. I didn't take my eyes off the door, I nodded my head yes. Gabe sighed and gave me a kiss on the head before he went to make us food.

"'Aria what were you doing down here all night? Did you get any sleep?' Gabe asked me. And I remember the answer I gave him.

"'I was waiting for daddy to come. He lied to me. But daddy never came home. I watched the door all night. It never opened.'

"After that day we never heard from the club or Blade again even though we were only fifteen minutes from the clubhouse." I told them.

After I had told them the story of how my family had fallen apart I felt a lot better. Finally someone knew what I was dealing with. I've never heard Blade talk to me that way before but then again I hadn't seen my father since I was eleven. He ruined my party, he ruined my life. Well I wouldn't go that far but he ruined parts of my life. I would've understand if he had told me it was club business there was no need to lie. I curled myself practically onto Mathis' lap after I was through telling the story. I think they understood I need silence right now. There was so much going on that I needed to figure out. I knew my new life was going to be complicated but hell I didn't think it would be this complicated.

Sometimes I just wanted to curl up and hide. Life had never been easy for me but never did I expect life to get this fucking hard. I got married. I find I've got a long lost brother. I've found my father who walked out on my brother and I. And lost my mother because she doesn't approve of who I'm married too. I know my mother should just get over her shit and see her daughter being happy but she's too goddamn stubborn to do it. My thoughts are just a repeat from this morning and it's like I can't stop them. At all.

I still can't believe the club broke off contact with us. In fact I don't even know if my parents got a proper divorce. All my life I've wondered what happened with the club to break off contact and the fact that I might know right now makes my heart speed up. But at the same time I'm still that little girl who waited all night for her father to come home. The only way I know how to react to Blade is being a cold-hearted bitch but can anyone really blame me. I don't know how to act around him.

I feel like when I'm around him I'm his little girl but then I remember how he lied and abandoned me. Then the bitchiness in me just explodes, years of pent up anger and hurt just comes out. Around him and around the club. A part of me blames the club for taking him from me. I mean it's because of the club that my father left my party and never came back to me. Ugh. sound like a spoiled child right now.

Placing my head on Mathis' chest wanting comfort and praying for the headache to go away. My eyes slowly closed and my breath slowed as I fell asleep. Feeling Mathis' arms around me is what keeps me from falling onto the ground and into the past. Being with Mathis' I haven't had a nightmare about the night in Vegas. I wasn't in deep sleep when I felt my body moving and being place on something warm. Looking around I saw we were back in the truck with Mathis closing the back door quietly thinking I was still asleep.

I moved to face the front of the truck as Killer gets in the passenger sit. Mathis gets into the driver's seat and then looks behind him. Seeing that I was awake he smiled at me and adjusted the seat to his liking before looking back at me.

"Aria your family wouldn't have taken away the house they got us just because I'm a biker would they?" Mathis asked me.

"No because they didn't get the house for us. Marco got the house for us as wedding gift and they wouldn't go behind Marco's back just to take away something he got me. They know he's extra protective of me. But why ask about the house?"

"Because Killer wants to see what the house looks like and after what was aired out today I think it would be better if we both stay at the house for a couple of days. After the night you had you need peace and quiet. I know that if we take you back back to the clubhouse you will never get the rest you need."

I just nodded and went back to sleep. I slept easily and it felt good. Getting back the rest I lost last night will definitely get me back in the right mood. Mathis is a good man no matter what my mother has to say and I will not lose him just because of her bitter self. My mother has a lot to learn about me that she had forgotten over the years. I'm a very territorial girl and no body is taking away what's mine.  

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