Then tell me;

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****ALOIS' POV****

Alois' hands dusted over his keyboard, typing out a million different ways to say what he had to say, but yet, nothing sounded just right. He wanted to explain everything. Ciel needed to know that he did nothing wrong. He needed to know everything. His past, his reasoning, everything about him, but he had no idea how to start. He started typing out another paragraph, when something inside him made him frantically dial Ciel's number.

Alois thought about how stupid he was while his listened to the continuous beeping of the other boy's phone ringing. "C'mon. Pick up. Pick up." He chanted over and over. He was just about to hang up when a voice on the other line let out a sleepy greeting. "Hello?" The other voice asked. "Uh, hey. It's Alois.". "Oh, uh, hey." Ciel sounded a bit flustered. "So I called because I need to tell you some things. A lot of things, actually." Alois didn't speak in his usually charismatic tone. It was more unsure, and worried. "Like?" He could already hear the worry in the other boys' words. "Like, everything. Why you can't see me, why I didn't want you to know my name, why I... disappeared. Just, everything.".

****CIEL'S POV****

Ciel was awoken by his phone ringing. It was probably his annoying older cousin. He didn't really want to deal with her right now. He contemplated on letting it ring until she gave up on calling, and he did, until he thought about how much she's been trying to help him lately, and answered instantly.

Turns out, it was Alois. He needed to tell him something. This worried Ciel. What if Alois didn't want to see him anymore?

"Like, everything. Why you can't see me, why I didn't want you to know my name, why I... disappeared. Just, everything.".

"Then tell me."

(A/N:) Sorry, I haven't been active at all these past few weeks. I've been really busy with band camp, student council, choir camp, etc. I've never really had time to write at all, seeing as band camp was 9am to 9pm for two weeks, Choir camp was 3pm to 8pm for a week, and auxiliary practices are 5pm to 8pm every Tuesday and Thursday. That's not to mention student council meetings thrown in randomly everywhere, chores, etc. I really am trying, guys. I write any time I have the chance, even if it's short, but I just haven't had any chances lately. Thank you so much for all of your support. I never thought that anybody would read, or like this, so thanks. I will still stick to my promise of never giving up on this book. Hope you'll forgive me for not being really active. Xx.

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