Chapter 9

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these chapters all end with things like this and im not sure why

but hey we're catching up to the good part

cha cha cha

"Dean," John sat on his bed, "two days ago I...I came home from a a hard case, and...I was mad. I'm sorry. I don't care who you date, I'm never home anyway, it's not like I would've even notice you were with him if Sam hadn't told me...."

"Damn it dad, why do you have to do this now..?" Dean placed something in the fridge, rolling his eyes at him.

"Have you two been speaking?" John asked, crossing his legs and loading his guns with bullets. There was a long silence.

"" Dean looked away, "He hasn't been answering my face calls lately." Dean didn't want to talk about it. But John kept speaking, either unaware of Deans feelings or just ignoring them.

"ignoring you for two days? He doesn't sound good to me.."


"I'm just saying! He should answer you especially when you're worried about him. I don't trust him, Dean."

"You know that's weird because Cas said the same thing about you until you met him so maybe you should at least give him a try." Dean slammed the fridge door, glaring at him. John stayed quiet. "Whatever..." Dean whispered, "I'm going outside..." Dean walked outside and covered the sun with his hand, his other hand in his pocket. Sam was out with that jerky popular kid, probably getting more candy. Or maybe he wasn't a jerk after all. When you get to know a jerk you might realize he's not a jerk after all! Cas' voice rang through his head, you're not alone, know? Dean started breathing heavily, I'm sure she's an angel now, I'm sure she's the one watching over you and protecting you. Why was this happening? I'm not by the one being frustrating! If you're gonna be like this I'd rather not date you at all! You know be didn't mean that.

We're going back to that beach, right? Now an image of Cas was in his mind, Cas over a face call. It was just about a week or two ago.

Of course, I promise. It'll be our first date when I come back! he couldn't see the other person, but he knew it was Dean, he knew it was himself. He was seeing Cas through his eyes.

Really? I'm so excited! Cas was so cheerful and happy, but now he won't answer his texts or calls. Do you still have your rock?

Of course, baby.

I love it when you call me that.


When you call me baby. It makes me feel warm and tingly. Dean laughed at him, what are you laughing at?

Nothing baby. Cas glared at him. He then got a text, he picked up his phone and took a deep breath staring at it as tears came to his eyes. Cas?

It's nothing. How's Sammy?

He's been eating your pie a lot recently, said he wanted to see you! He couldn't believe he ignored it. Why would he do that? Cas was about to cry and he didn't even question it more than once. He hated this, why was he seeing this? He wanted to scream and tell him that he loved him, he wanted him to know. He didn't want to watch this anymore. He wanted to see him and hold him and kiss him and-

"DEAN!" Bobby yelled. Dean opened his eyes to see John and Bobby close to his face. He thought I was outside? Why was he on a bed?

"Uncle Bobby? Dad?" He sat up, "What h-"

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