Chapter Three: Mistaken Identity

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She stared at me for a few seconds before saying anything. "If you at least come and stay with us for a few hours, then I'll..."

"You'll what?"


"I'll... feed you for a whole week." He said hesitantly.

"What am I, a dog?"

He sighed in annoyance. "Look, if you come with me than I'll take you anywhere you want to eat for a week. I know you you don't eat a lot."

As if on cue, my stomach growled. I cursed myself for being hungry. He was right, I didn't eat a lot. My meals consisted of some bread an old blind woman would spare once every few days. If it weren't for her, I would be dumpster diving. I shuttered at the thought.

"Maybe I don't eat a lot because I don't want to."

"Oh come on!" He nearly whined. "You can leave whenever you want, I swear." His eyes were pleading.

I let out a sigh and looked away from him. "Fine," I grumbled.

He looped his arm through mine and started walking me towards the forest that surounded the town. "I am Magnus Carson, by the way."

I didn't reply.

"Are you going to tell me your name?" Magnus asked.

"Why should I?"

"Because I need something to call you by. And don't say your name is Ella, because I know that's not true."

"You know, if you were a good stalker, you would already know my name."

"Well, stalking isn't usually my job. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Aren't we all..." I breathed.

"Oh cheer up, girly. There's no reason to be so down."

I didn't say anything. We walked in silence for a while. We reached the forest and Magnus helped me over the tall wooden fence that kept out wild animals. We kept going deeper into the forest, and I swear I felt someone following us.

"My name is Carman Dawn." I finally told him.

He glanced back at me from the trees in front of him and snorted.

"What?" I snapped, regretting telling him.

"Carman Dawn sounds like a fake name. Are you lying?"

A shiver went up my spine when then feeling of being followed got stronger. "Of course not." I said, my voice not as strong as I hoped it would be. I wasn't lying, but i wasn't telling the whole truth either.

When he glanced at me again, he stopped walking and faced me. "What's wrong?"

I motioned for him to be quiet while I listened to everyhting around me. I closed my eues, putting all of my focus into my hearing. I could hear my heartbeat. Magnus's deep breaths. Birds having their coded conversations. And light footsteps.

"Stay here." I hissed under my breath.

I took off to the left, running as fast as I could while crouched. I ducked and rolled behind a fallen tree. That's when I saw someone. I jumped over the tree I was hiding behind and ran, not longer caring if I was seen. I caught the person off guard, and by the time they saw me it was already too late to get away. I jumped and tackled the person then pinned them to the mossy ground.

I noticed the body pinned under me was a boy. He was muscled and had a mess of black hair on top of his head. He almost looked like Magnus, but a little older. "Who do you work for?" I demanded.

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