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strongly recommend listening to wherever you are by 5sos (kinda goes with the chapter) but ugh my heart, fetus 5sos i miss it so much!


'this was it' i thought as i stood at the front door of our appartment, well it was only luke's now anyways (the rest of my stuff was going to be shipped over later). it all seemed so real now, up until now this was all just a dream... i take a deep breath, my passport felt like it was burning a hole in my jacket pocket. 'it's not to late to turn back,' i think about how easy it would be to just march over to my room and empty my suitcases back into my drawers, strip down from my skinny jeans and spend today in just my boxers and watch old movies with luke on our (his) sofa while eating cereal.

"the cab's on its way," i tell luke. i refuse to look into his pristine blue eyes, knowing if i do i'd cave and my long time dream would remain just a dream. "oh," is all he says in reply. both of us stand there for a while, trying not to cry. "hey, this isn't good bye alright?" i say "we're going to see each other again, we're gonna text and skype everyday, it'll be like i never left," i explain, trying to stay optimistic. luke opens his mouth to say something but he's cut off by the loud car honk from outside.

"calum!" luke says panicking, "i wish i could go drop you off but i have classes and oh my god i--" i cut him off with a giant hug, that shuts him up. "it's okay lu, i'll see you later okay?" i whisper in his ear. i can feel luke's muscles relax underneath me, "okay, see you soon," he says softly. it takes every ounce of my self control to pull away, i don't want to but it's time for me to go. i swing the door open and i'm halfway to the taxi when i hear a loud, "WAIT!"

i turn around to see luke running down the driveway in his pajamas, barefoot. "what the hell luke!" i exclaim as he wraps me into one of his famous hemmo bone crushing hugs. "i love you cal, and i'm gonna miss you so much," he whispers like it's just our little secret. can he feel my heart beating rapidly inside my chest? "i love you too lu and i'm gonna miss you more than anything," i assure him. we pull away, "if you ever need something or if you're in trouble i will not hesitate to jump onto the next plane to sydney too be with you," i tell him firmly. he giggles, my heart beats faster. "i'm serious luke, i don't care if it's cause you need a me to buy you more ice cream cause you know i will."

"i believe you calum," luke says smiling, i could see his dimples, i want to kiss them, so i do. i turn back around, making my way towards the car, which i'd forgotten was there. i sneak a look back at luke who's still standing where i left him. i tear my eyes away from his puppy dog eyes and tell the driver, "sydney airport please." the driver nods in approval, taking a look at luke standing on the sidewalk, "ya boyfriend?" he asks. i shake my head no, "just a friend," i tell him. he gives me a noise in response like he doesn't believe me but doesn't say anything else.

the whole ride i think about luke's words, surely he meant them in a friendly way, but why did they make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside? we arrive at the airport soon, i pay the driver bid him good bye. "aye good luck with that boy of yers, ya hear?" the cabbie says before driving off. i ignore his comment and head inside, dragging my suitcase along. luke and i were just friends...

a good twenty minutes later and i'm all checked in. i'm seated at the airport starbucks with a overpriced coffee sitting on the table in front of me, scrolling through my phone. i had a little time before i had to board the plane, so why spend it at a starbucks? i continuing going through my phone, mindlessly looking through instagram posts of people i don't even speak to anymore. suddenly my phone buzzes, catching me by surprise. i assume it's my mom or something, wishing me a safe flight. reaching for my coffee i take a sip before opening up the text. i nearly choke on my drink as i read the message:

lucifer: i miss u

i wipe my mouth on the sleeve of my jacket before typing out a reply:

oh calumity: luke i saw u like half an hour ago

i press send. underneath the table i'm bouncing my leg up and down (i recieved a dirty look from an elderly couple nearby so i stopped) debating whether or not i should say more. my thumbs wiggle over the surface of ny phone's keyboard, when finally i decide to send another message:

oh calumity: i miss u too


author's note: props to wattpad for deleting my ending for this chapter three times :) so i had a horrible day :) life is just so fantastic right now :) someone choke me :)

so this chapter was tricky to write bc there were so many ways i wanted their good bye scene to go but i think i managed okay? tell me what you think?

q: explain your wattpad user name?
a: i originally wanted spacecake bc (outer space / carry on and cake) but that was taken so I settled for spaciouscake, it sounds more eloquent anyways.

all the love and thanks for reading!

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