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guess who's back, back again.. i am back.. tell a friend :)


i anxiously paced my (when did it start become just mine) apartment, waiting for jared to call or text or arrive. he said he would be here at around 6... it was almost 6:30 and there was still no sign of him.

all the worst thoughts were racing through my mind. maybe he got into a car accident on the way here? maybe he got lost? maybe he's busy? maybe he lost track of time? maybe he's playing a cruel joke in me and isn't actually into me like that? maybe -- i feel my phone buzz in my pocket, with shaking fingers i eagerly pull it out. my heart stops for a moment when i see it's a text from jared, nervously i click on the message:

jayred: hey luke, my ex just called and she's really broken up abt her dog dying, i know this is rude but i really gotta be there for her. i hope u understand i was really looking forward to our date. take a raincheck ok? ill make it up u i swear.

i can feel the tears forming in the corners of my eyes, he's ditching me for his ex girlfriend? i couldn't believe this. my sadness turns to anger as i try to type out the most civil reply i can.

lucifer: it's np, but why don't we just take a raincheck on all of our dates ok? i have no interest in being w/ someone who still talks to their ex, i hope u understand :)

i'll admit, pressing send really felt good.

jayred: aww c'mon luke, don't be like that. i really like u!

lucifer: im sorry, but maybe u should've thought about that before u ditch me for ur ex??

jayred: i thought u would understand luke, when we first met i had to listen to u talk about calum all the time

i scrunch my eyebrows together. why would me talking about calum matter to him?

lucifer: why would tht matter? calums my best friend

jayred: sure doesn't sound like it, the way u talk about him is like he's ur lover. at least im not in love w marcie

lucifer: i take marcie is the ex? im not in love w calum, he's just my best friend! it doesn't change the fact that ur ditching me for ur ex!

jayred: i can't do his rn luke, marcie needs me, why don't u go whine to calum ok?

i don't reply after that. im mad and angry and mostly at myself. every part of me told me to text calum, but after what jared just said i couldn't. calum was just my best friend, why couldn't jared understand that? why couldn't i understand that?


oh my god im so sorry i took such a long time to update.. i've been super busy with high school and i have finals coming up too sigh. but ill try my best to update. im also gonna be kinda revising some of my other chapters and such, so you'll probably gonna be getting a lot of notifications..

okay but who else is super psyched about the holiday season? i know i am! honestly ive been happier than ive been in the last few months, school just drains alllll my energy..

q: what is your favorite ice cream flavor?

a: pistachio and cookies 'n cream (advice: it's never too cold for ice cream!)

hope you forgive me for going on an unplanned three month hiatus ://

thanks a ton for reading! love you all so much!

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