"Wait." She said, putting her hand out to stop me from closing the door. "You're Marco Millet, right?"

"Yeah. Do I know you?"

"It's me Candice Tanner." The name didn't ring a bell. "You and I slept together last year. I was a virgin and scared. I lied to you to get you to be my boyfriend, but it didn't work remember?"

I suddenly remembered that day she called me wanting to hook up. It was snowing that day and I had to ride my skateboard to her house. I was her first kiss and her first time.

"Shhhh." I said. "My wife doesn't know anything about you and me."

"You're married?"

"Yeah, newly wed. Now get out of here."

"But I'm selling cookies as a fund raiser for school."

"I don't care. Get out of here."

"What's going on?" Bailey asked, coming up behind me.

Candace gave Bailey a friendly smile and Bailey smiled back. I sighed and ran a my hand through my hair.

"Hi, I'm selling cookies as a fund raiser for my school. The money goes towards children in the hospital who's parent's can't pay for medical treatment. It's 5 dollars a box."

"That's not too bad of a price. Come on in we'll take a few boxes." Bailey said.

Candace came in and I shut the door. Please don't let anything happen. Bailey can't know about Candice and me. Her hormones are all over the place and who knows how she'll react?

Bailey led her to the kitchen and went to get the rainy day money from the drawer by the fridge.

"Don't use that money." I said.

"Chill. You can just put some more in there later." Bailey said.

"I see you're pregnant." Candace said. "What are you expecting?"

"We don't know yet. We find out next week."

"What are you hoping for?"

"I'm hoping for another girl, but I wouldn't mind if it's a boy."

"I'd bet you're hoping for a boy Marco." Candice said.

I never really thought about it. It would be nice to have another boy in the house. I find raising a boy is easier than raising a girl. And thinking about when they get older it'll be easier with a boy.

"How do you know his name?" Bailey asked Candace.

"We're old friends." Candace answered.

I told Candace not to say anything. "No we're not. I don't know who you are."

"Oh come on. Marco and I slept together last year."

Things became very awkward. I looked at Bailey, waiting for a reaction from her. She just stared at the counter.

"Bailey..." I started.

"Well you aren't the only one." Bailey said looking at Candace and giving a small smile. I can't tell if she's upset and just hiding it. "We'll take two boxes of sugar and two of chocolate chip." Bailey handed her a 20 dollar bill.

"Thank you very much." Candace said, taking the money. "Have a great day." She left and I stood in the kitchen with Bailey. I could feel the tension in the room.

I walked over to Bailey and took her hand. She gently pulled her hand away, making me nervous.

"How many were there?" She asked in a small voice.

I Fell For A Gang Member [2]Where stories live. Discover now