As soon as I had sat down on my own sofa to think, a text rang out from my phone.

Meet me in the park.

It read. My heart jumped and not in the good way. Not in the way it did when Emily laid her eyes on me.

No. This was in fear.

I swallowed the lump from my dry throat, and lifted my heavy legs until I was walking to the park.

It was only a 5 minute walk away, and I was petrified the whole way.

I never lived in fear, but this woman had always made me feel it since the day I was born.

I knew she would come looking for me soon. I knew she would track me down. And I knew I had to talk to her. She would have come looking for me if I didn't.

Once I got to the park I looked around. I couldn't spot her anywhere.

All of a sudden, I looked towards the trees and I saw her.

I hesitantly walked up to her, my heart beating a mile a minute. I would recognise her a mile away.

I could smell her a mile a way. I could smell the drugs, the alcohol. She reeked of  it, but it was a smell I had gotten used to growing up.

The smell only got stronger as I got closer. I wanted to back out, turn my back and run away. I wanted to run,but I didn't. I walked closer and closer until her eyes, the same colour as mine were looking right at me.

"Xavier. You made it." Her rough and calloused voice rang out. It was like a nail to a black board. I wanted to rip my ears off whenever I heard her name.  Hearing her over the phone the last few months were bad enough, but hearing it in the flesh was worse.

"Rose." I let out. Such a pretty name for  such a sick woman.

All of a sudden, I felt her hand connect to my cheek. I took a step back and shuddered.

"It's mother to you, you sick little bastard!" She shrieked. Her eyes were wide, her pupils even wider with the effect of drugs. I laid a hand to my cheek, it didn't hurt, nothing she said or did would hurt me.

"Mother." I replied. My voice weak.  She took a step closer.

"Don't think I don't know what you're doing." She let out through gritted teeth. "You came here to get away from me, you came here to hide." That was true. I moved as soon as I could escape from her. "I knew exactly where you went when I left, don't think I'm stupid, and don't think I don't know about your girlfriend." She spat the word girlfriend out like it was shit in her mouth. My jaw clenched.

"Don't talk about my girlfriend." I let out, my anger rising.

"That little whore, Emily?" She laughed. Her voice cracked. "I'm the only woman you'll ever need in your life. After your father died you were the only man in mine. But you're a sick, twisted little shit. You're no son of mine." Her words were so full of hatred it made me take a step back.

Then, I heard her.

"Xavier?" I heard her shout my name.

Xavier [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang