II Jace's P.O.V

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The atmosphere in Lightwood Manor was tense, thick with worry and uncertainty. We were all gathered around the table, each of us fidgeting with nervous energy, unable to sit still. The news of Rafael's kidnapping had hit us hard, especially considering the recent threats and attempts by the terrorist group. We might not meet him yet, but we all loved him. Especially, me, as I could feel Alec's love for my nephew through our parbatai bond.

Maryse, Rafael's newest grandmother, was visibly distraught, their worry etched on their faces. Izzy, Clary, Simon, and I were feeling a mix of anger and helplessness. He was our nephew, our little sunshine, and the mere thought of him in danger made our hearts ache. We all knew that Robert was with Jia Penhallow, discussing how to proceed. The wait was agonizing, we wanted to do something, anything to bring Rafael back safely.

Alec and Magnus, Rafael's parents, were struggling to contain their emotions. Magnus looked as though he wanted to tear down walls with his bare hands, while Alec's usually stoic demeanor was cracked, his eyes betraying the fear and desperation he felt. Alec's distress was so strong that it left me breathless and almost knocked me off my feet.

I reached out and took Clary's hand, squeezing it for comfort. She looked at me with tear-filled eyes, and I knew that we were all feeling the same overwhelming sense of dread.

"We have to stay strong," Maryse said, her voice wavering slightly. "Rafael needs us to be strong for him."

However, I was not quite content with being patient. I had run out of patience a long time ago. I clenched my fists, anger bubbling up inside me like a volcano ready to erupt. "Now? Now that Rafael was kidnapped the Raziel damn Consul decided to act! We've been telling her about the sabotage and kidnapping attempt on Max for weeks!" My voice was laced with frustration, the pent-up emotions finally breaking free.

Alec's jaw tightened, his eyes flashing with barely contained fury. "Jace, calm down," he urged, his tone firm but tinged with worry. "We need to focus on finding Rafael, not assigning blame."

I shot him a glare, my frustration boiling over. "How can I calm down, Alec? This could have been prevented if they had listened to us sooner!"

Clary reached out and placed a hand on my arm, her touch grounding me slightly. "Jace, he's right," she said softly, her eyes filled with empathy. "We need to work together to figure out our next steps."

I took a deep breath, trying to rein in my anger. She was right. We needed to focus on finding Rafael, not getting caught up in arguments. Maryse spoke up, her voice steady but filled with worry. "We need to trust that Robert and Jia are doing everything they can to bring Rafael back safely."

I nodded, begrudgingly acknowledging her point. "Fine," I conceded, my voice still tight with frustration. "But if anything happens to Rafael because of their incompetence, I won't hesitate to hold them accountable."

The tension in the room was palpable, each of us feeling the weight of Rafael's kidnapping bearing down on us. At the end, it Magnus's words that cut through the tension like a ray of hope piercing the darkness. "I had placed a magical locator mark on Rafael just in case something like this happens," he explained, his voice tinged with frustration. "But the witch or warlock the terrorists were working with dampened the signal."

Alec's eyes widened in disbelief, a glimmer of hope flickering in his gaze. "So, you mean you can find him?" he asked, his voice trembling with emotion.

Magnus nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. "Yes," he confirmed, his voice filled with confidence. "As a four-hundred-year-old warlock, I have the knowledge and power to locate the signal. Though, only in a more boarder manner. I will not know the place specifically, but the area."

Relief washed over us like a tidal wave, the weight of uncertainty lifting from our shoulders. Maryse reached out and grasped Magnus's hand tightly, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you, Magnus," she said, her voice choked with emotion.

Alec leaned in and pressed a kiss to Magnus's lips, a mixture of relief and love evident in the gesture. "You're amazing," he murmured, his voice filled with awe.

I couldn't help but grin, the tension of the moment giving way to a sense of determination. "We better get ready then!" I exclaimed, a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. "The Lightwoods are going hunting!"

There was a collective nod of agreement, a sense of unity settling over us like a comforting blanket. As we geared up for the mission to rescue Rafael, the atmosphere in the room crackled with tension and determination. Alec and I, bound by the sacred bond of parabatai, stood side by side, silently preparing each other's runes. There was no need for words between us; our connection ran deeper than mere speech. As I etched the runes onto Alec's skin, I could feel the weight of his emotions coursing through me – determination, love, and unwavering resolve.

Clary and Simon, stationed on the other side of the room, were engaged in a similar ritual, their parabatai bond evident in the synchronized movements of their hands. They worked in tandem, their silent communication speaking volumes about the strength of their partnership. Meanwhile, Izzy and her mother Maryse stood together, their hands moving with practiced precision as they traced each other's runes.

As Alec and I finished inscribing the last of the runes, we locked eyes, a silent understanding passing between us. We smiled at each other victoriously, drawing strength from the unbreakable connection that tethered us together. With our runes in place and our hearts filled with determination, we were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. No matter what obstacles stood in our way, we will get Rafael back home.

As we reached the area indicated by Magnus's locator spell, tension hung heavy in the air. We split into pairs to cover more ground efficiently. Alec and I took one direction, Clary, and Simon another, while Izzy and Magnus ventured off together. Maryse remained behind to protect Max, a precaution in case the terrorists attempted to target him as well. Silently and swiftly, we combed through the area, our senses in high alert as we searched for any sign of Rafael. Every step felt like an eternity as we scoured the surroundings, our hearts pounding with a mix of anxiety and determination.

Then, without warning, agony ripped through me, causing me to double over in pain, my parabatai rune burning with an intensity I had never felt before. I clenched my teeth, trying to push through the searing sensation, but it was overwhelming. When I finally regained my senses, I looked around frantically, panic rising within me as I realized Alec was nowhere to be found.

"Alec!" I called out, my voice echoing through the eerie silence of the forest. But there was no response, only the sound of my own racing heartbeat.

Fear gnawed at my insides as I realized that my parabatai, my other half, was missing. The thought of Alec in danger sent a surge of adrenaline coursing through me, propelling me forward as I searched desperately for any sign of him. I refused to entertain the possibility of losing Alec, not after everything we had been through together. He was more than just my parabatai – he was my brother, my confidant, my anchor in a world filled with darkness.

As panic gripped me like a vice, my breaths came in short, ragged gasps. The parabatai bond now felt muted, dulled by some insidious magic that prevented me from tracking Alec. It was as if a vital part of myself had been ripped away, leaving me feeling lost and vulnerable in the darkness. In the distance, I saw Magnus's blue flames erupt, a visceral display of his anguish and rage. Normally, such a demonic manifestation would have given me pause, but now it only fueled the fire burning within me. They had taken Alec, my parabatai, my brother, and I was consumed by a primal urge for vengeance.

With each step, my determination hardened into resolve. I would tear through anyone who dared stand in my way, leaving a trail of destruction in my wake. They had awoken a beast within me, and I would stop at nothing to bring Alec back safely. As I moved through the shadows, my senses honed to a razor's edge, I swore an oath upon the angel Raziel himself. I would find Alec, no matter the cost, and those responsible would pay dearly for their transgressions. Nothing would stand in the way of our bond, not even the darkest forces that sought to tear us apart.

Driven by an unyielding determination, I plunged deeper into the heart of darkness, my soul aflame with a fierce resolve. I could feel my form glow with uncontrollable heavenly fire. They had underestimated the strength of our bond, but they would soon learn that there was no force in this world or the next that could break the bond between parabatai.

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