I Jace's P.O.V

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"Downworlders and Nephilim! Welcome to the inaugural Shadow World's Championship!" Penhallow's voice echoed loudly across the stadium.

Standing in the center of the recently built stadium, the very same place where we celebrated our victory against Valentine a year ago, Penhallow commanded attention. Behind her, enormous screens were strategically placed and enchanted by warlocks to allow spectators to witness each challenge unfold in different locations throughout Idris.

People gathered on the specially arranged terraces, taking their designated spots for this grand occasion. However, some were notably absent, including Isabelle, Clary, Simon, Dad, Mom, a few Consul members positioned behind the Consul, those participating in the archery challenge, and, of course, myself. Magnus stood on the terraces with Max cradled in his arms. Someone needed to watch over the little one just in case he became a target. Having lost a little brother last year, I was determined not to let anyone snatch my nephew away from me.

"I'll tear anyone apart if they even try!" I growled angrily, fueled by a protective instinct that burned with intensity.

"Today's contest will be the archery challenge," the Consul declared firmly, her voice echoing across the assembly. "Participants will be strategically positioned in different sections of the vast forest on the outskirts of town. Their task? Hunt down demons, animals, and targets scattered throughout. Objectives may be in the air, on the ground, underwater, stationary, or in motion." The crowd erupted in enthusiastic cheers, eager for the thrilling spectacle that lay ahead.

Tch! A child's game for Alec, no doubt. He's bound to emerge victorious. The bow has always been his weapon, but after the war it has become an extension of himself. I would bet everything I possess that my parbatai is the best archer in the world. 

"But beware, there will be numerous hidden traps scattered throughout the forest," Robert interjected, his words mirroring the severity etched on Penhallow's face. My complexion drained of color as I discerned the grave expression on my father's face. "These traps are exceptionally perilous and will pose a significant challenge, even for a seasoned Shadowhunter!"

The crowd's cheers escalated, revealing a sadistic and bloodthirsty undercurrent. Meanwhile, within the confines of my mind, I unleashed a barrage of curses and silent prayers to Raziel. I understood the purpose behind my father's ominous warning—it wasn't merely to entertain the crowd but to alert us to the grave danger Alec would be facing. My parabatai, my brother, my best friend, my platonic soul mate – Alec – faced an imminent and potentially life-threatening danger. And I could only observe, it was maddening. 

"They will be alright, Jace, both Max and Alec," my fiancée's soothing voice broke through the thick fog in my mind, pulling me back from the brink of despair. "Everything will be fine."

I turned to face Clary, her words a balm to my anxious soul. A radiant smile adorned her features, and suddenly, a new found reassurance settled within me. How could I doubt the unwavering optimism in Clary's words? She had always been a beacon of truth, a steady anchor in the storm of uncertainty. The strength of her conviction echoed in my mind, casting away the shadows of doubt. Everything would indeed be fine; I chose to believe in the power of Clary's unwavering optimism. 


The explosive sound resonated through the air once again, triggering an internal wince as I instinctively scanned the surroundings to identify the perpetrator. Last time, it had been a warlock,fortunate enough to shield himself with magic. This time, it was a werewolf,less fortunate and promptly disqualified. Catarina and a silent brother swiftly attended to her, emphasizing the seriousness of the consequences. Yet, another Kaboom echoed, but this time,it bore a distinctive quality.

Confidence [The Mortal Instruments] {Rewritten}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें