II Alec's P.O.V

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"I understand your worries, Alexander. However, deploying Shadowhunters for patrolling duties will likely strain our relations with the Downworlders when the very purpose of this event is to foster unity," the Consul explained to me.

"But if we choose inaction, we risk damaging the relationship irreparably!" I exclaimed, my frustration bubbling to the surface. It seemed that my plea was falling on deaf ears.

"Enough!" Jia demanded angrily,and the force in her voice silenced me immediately. This was an unusual tone for her, and it spoke of the mounting pressure she faced in organizing the event, compounded by the opposition from many Nephilim against the Accords.Despite the circumstances, I understood the need for diplomacy, but it was disheartening to see my perspective dismissed so readily. "No, is no. There is nothing else to discuss here, so please leave."

Reluctantly, I obeyed her directive and made my way towards Lightwood Manor. Magnus, Max, and I, along with the rest of my makeshift family—Clary and Simon—were residing there for the duration of the event. Anticipation hung thick in the air; disagreement with the Consul's decision lingered on the faces of my loved ones. Yet, united in purpose, we were determined to showcase our resilience. We would not only triumph in the event but also stand firm against those seeking to dismantle the hard-earned progress we had made.

As I made my way toward Lightwood Manor,the gnawing worry for my son's safety intensified. The thought that Max could be in jeopardy, and my inability to shield him from potential harm, stirred a storm of emotions within me.

"Come on, Lightwood, pull yourself together," I chided myself silently. It echoed a familiar inner dialogue from a time when I faced the daunting challenge of dealing with faeries. Back then, against the odds, I managed to find a solution and avert disaster. This situation, though unique, demanded a similar resolve. I reassured myself that I would unearth a way—whether for the sake of peace, my extended family, Magnus, or, most importantly, my son.

Lost in my mental pep talk, I failed to notice a Shadowhunter woman intercepting my path. "Hi!" She greeted me, snapping me out of my contemplation.

She stood before me—a tall, slim,tanned-skinned woman with shoulder-length, straight, blonde hair and striking blue eyes. Undeniably breathtaking, yet in my eyes, Magnus held the ultimate allure.Still, I acknowledged the diverse forms of beauty that existed, even in a woman.

"Hi, can I help you with something?" I inquired, perplexed by her approach, as she wasn't someone,I recognized from the Shadowhunter community.

"My name is Lucy Branwell; my mother, Lydia Branwell, is the head of the Institute of Paris," she introduced herself. Her voice carried a distinct French accent, becoming more evident as she spoke.

"I am Alexander Gideon Lightwood. My father is the Inquisitor, and my mother is the head of the New York Institute," I responded, offering a formal introduction.

"Lightwood-Bane, soon to be, from what I've heard," Lucy added slyly, chuckling as my expression transformed from shock to embarrassment. "Rumors have a way of spreading like wildfire when they involve one of the most powerful warlocks on Earth—the High Warlock of Brooklyn, no less, and the ambassador of Downworlders," she explained,relishing the shift in my demeanor. "I've also caught wind of plans to establish small courts in each country, dedicated to resolving conflicts between werewolves, vampires, witches, warlocks, faeries, and Shadowhunters. However, the Consul wants to test the concept first, ensuring it doesn't escalate into more discord." 

Puzzled, I questioned her, "What does that have to do with me?"

She responded with a cocky smirk, "It involves you because the proposed court will feature a judge from each group,with one individual holding the final verdict. For the trial run in New York,they've chosen Catarina for the children of Lilith, Lily for the children of the night, Maia for the children of the moon, Kelly for the faeries, and you will be the champion representing us, wielding the power of the last word."

The weight of her words sank in, and I felt a surge of responsibility. The prospect of being the voice that decides the outcomes in such a pivotal court left me both honored and uneasy.My mind raced, attempting to absorb the information Lucy Branwell had just thrown at me. The weight of the revelation,combined with the recent encounter with the Consul Penhallow, overwhelmed my senses.

I needed a moment to breathe, to process, to find a quiet space in the storm of thoughts. "Excuse me, Miss Branwell, but if you don't require anything urgently, we could arrange to meet later for a discussion. Right now, I must make my way to Lightwood Manor for a family meeting." 

However, her hand on my arm halted my departure, once again. Turning to face her with a glare, prepared to assert my need for solitude, my anger dissipated when I witnessed the sadness in her eyes and the defeat in her posture. The cheeky demeanor she had presented moments before vanished, revealing a vulnerability that struck a chord. 

"I am in desperate need of your help,Mister Lightwood," she confessed, teetering on the brink of emotional collapse.

Worried for her well-being and realizing that Nephilim seldom begged for assistance, I guided her to a more secluded area of the park, ready to lend an ear to her plea. What she required of me left me speechless. 

"Alec! Sweet pea, you took your time," Magnus ambushed me as soon as I crossed the doors of Lightwood Manor, enveloping me in a bear hug. "What took you so long?"

"I... there was someone that needed my help on my way back here," I answered.

I carefully omitted the details about Lucy. Her request lingered in my mind, leaving me both stunned and shaken. How could she ask that of me? Of anyone? The thought left me shocked and a bit repulsed.

"Such a lovely person, like always,darling," Magnus' comment made me wince in guilt, though fortunately, he didn't seem to notice. "So, what happened? Will they follow our advice?" Magnus asked with so much hope that I felt horrible for failing him.

"No, they won't. Because they think it would taint our relationship with Downworlders," I confessed. 

My gaze dropped as I witnessed his happiness fading from his beautiful golden-cat eyes. Why didn't I fight more? Why do I always have to fail the ones I love? Self-blame echoed in my mind until two arms wrapped around me, pulling me back from my trance.

"Don't blame yourself, sweet pea," he commanded in a soft voice, his words a comforting balm. "It is Penhallow's fault for not believing in us, in you. Even after you kept proving to her, and everyone, that you are always right."

"I am not always right, Mags," I protested, my face warming with a blush that extended from my cheeks to my ears. I wouldn't readily admit to it, but his comment had triggered a small,undeniable smile on my face.

"Always so modest, Alec," he whispered in my ear, the warmth of his breath sending shivers down my spine. I could feel him smirking against the skin of my neck. "And that is why I love you so much." With those words, he stole a kiss from my lips, and then playfully tugged me toward the library where everyone awaited news on how things would proceed.

"So, what's our plan?" Isabelle asked after Jace took, or more accurately, stole Max from her arms. "We can't let some stupid bastards ruin everything we've been working for."

"We'll all compete in the competitions we were chosen for. We can't let anyone else know that we're suspicious about the whole event," I began explaining, a part of me questioning when it had become normal for me to direct my family and for them to obey. I pushed that thought aside and continued. "In the meantime,we'll search for any clues that might show us who is behind it all, and we'll keep Max under protection at all times."

"Ok!" They all replied in unison.

"Then tomorrow, Magnus will have to  watch over Max, and the rest of us will be searching for clues while Alec participates in the archery contest," stated Jace. 

I looked at him,surprised by the news. It was the first time I'd heard about my contest being the first. Suddenly, the atmosphere turned tense, and everyone around the table looked at me with worried eyes. 

"Alec..." Magnus began, his tone laced with concern.

"I'll be fine, Mags," I reassured him and kissed his cheek sweetly, attempting to offer comfort without unnecessarily alarming my parents. Despite their acceptance, I preferred not to push my luck. "I'll be careful." I cast a determined gaze around the table. "And I'll show them what Lightwoods are made of."

A collective smirk spread across their faces as they nodded in agreement. Whoever you are, watch out because we're coming for you!

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