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The water use to frighten her, but sitting at home, she thought is was the only way to go. It made sense to give herself to something that would haunt her. The fluctuating tide a constant reminder that it was easy for her to sink beneath the surface.

She felt selfish for not being strong enough, for not pushing through it, but she wasn't pushing through for only herself.

Bella's state of depression was dragging her down, drowning her with the added weight.

She felt selfish for wanting to leave behind so many people that cared for her but it was all too much. Moving to live with her mother was her first decision, but she quickly discarded it. She loved he mother dearly, but she had never been able to stray too far fro Bella, she relied on her sister for many things that her mother could not provide.

She next thought of Quil, the boy that brought her muffins and held her while she cried. She felt guilty for forcing him away from his friends, for calling him in the night when her thoughts overwhelmed her. She couldn't expect him to hang onto her every movement or word, it wouldn't be fair to him.

Dying was easy, life was much harder and she didn't have the strength it required.

A knock o her door broke her out of her mind, glancing, her sister poked her head inside with a hesitant smile.

"Wanna come see Jake with me?" Andy noted that her tone still lacked the emotions it once held.

"Today?" She noticed that her tone wasn't much different.

"I was thinking it would be a good idea."

Andy stared at her sisters slightly hopeful expression before agreeing. "I guess it can't hurt."

She never realized how much the Quileute reserve was different from Forks despite being so close to to each other. She had always known that it was beautiful here, but seeing it now after so long it she cherished the sight.

It was like a breath of fresh air being somewhere that was free from the Cullen's was amazing. It was somewhere she could be alone, away from her sisters mental instability to focus on her own. Somewhere she could take pictures or slip away to see Quil.

She would always take the chance to see Quil.

Pulling up outside the Black home, she wasn't surprised to see Jacob working in his makeshift garage. He was always there, and when he wasn't he was somewhere with the boys. Jake had an immense interest in mechanics and despite not understanding what he was doing, he was a great subject for her pictures.

The boy in question idles out when he hears the truck door slam. The way his smile grew at the sight of her sister made Andy think that the boy would do anything for her.

"Where have you been loca?" Jake asked as he pulled Bella into his arms and spun her around.

Instead of answering she just shook her head and gestured to the truck. "I brought you something," Bella said in what Andy thought was fake happiness. "And someone."

Andy side from her spot before jumping out of the truck, slowly shuffling her way around. She didn't expect him to react like he did, but didn't complain as she was lifted into a hug.

"Andy," he breathed. "I haven't seen you in forever."

"I know, I'm sorry," she mumbled as she slipped her arms around him.

"Don't be. Does Quil know? When did you last see him?"

Andy frowned. She had no idea when she had last seen him. She thought it wasn't all that long ago, but she could've been completely wrong. She hadn't been the best at paying attention to those kinds of details.

"He has no idea I'm here," she admits. "I was actually hoping he would be here."

Together the pair slowly made their way back towards Bella. The girl had a slight smile o her face as she watched her sister interact.

"You good go see him, if you want," Bella offered. "I'll come pick you up before I head home."

"Yeah, he should be home," Jake adds.


Walking along the roads of La Push, she traveled simply based on memory. The trip to Quil's was short enough, so she didn't mind all that much. If she managed to get lost then one of the residents would point her in the right direction.

Taking the time to admire her surroundings, her fingers twitched to reach for the camera she held in her bag. There were moments in the world that needed to be captured. Andy took comfort by the tranquility of the nature surrounding her.

She would cross street randomly, not really caring to check for cars, no one really drove on the reservation anyway.

Reaching the Ateara residence, she hesitated only slightly before knocking. If he wasn't here she would go back to Jake's and do homework.

The door opened and she was faced with a very shocked Joy. The woman smiled kindly before ushering her in.

"Andy," the woman beamed. "What a surprise."

She shuffled on her feet, fidgeting with the hem of her sweater.

"Hey Joy." She cringed at how rough her voice sounded. "Is Quil around?"

Her head snapped when a body came crashing into the room, sprawling to the ground near her feet. She couldn't prevent the soft laugh that passed her lips. He always made her feel better, lighter.

"Hey," he breathed, propping himself on his elbow.

She lowered herself to the floor and sat next to him crossed legged, a faint smile playing on her lips.

"Hey," she whispered.

"I haven't seen you in a while, especially around here."

Andy winced, an action that didn't go unnoticed to the boy. She felt horrible all f a sudden. How could she have just stopped seeing him? She couldn't remember many things, most of her time blended together, but she felt like she should have noticed.

"I'm sorry."

Quil sprung up into a sitting position in front of her when tears gathered in her eyes. Despite the many times he had seen her cry, it still pained him to see her with tears on her cheeks.

"Hey, it's okay," he attempted to reassure her. "I just missed seeing you around. It's nice to see you in my rez, in my house."

Andy's laugh was choked in her attempts to hold back emotions. She leaned forward and hugged him, holding him close. His response was immediate. Arms wrapped around her firmly, pulling her impossibly closer.

"I missed you too."


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so this feels forced, does this seem forced to anyone??

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