Dix-Huit pt. 2

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It was odd, feeling so calm and at peace with oneself. Andy felt light, free with the new revelation. She had no idea how long she had felt this way, how long she had these feelings for but everything was much clearer now.

Andy glanced at him through her eyelashes, watching as he played with her hand. It was different now, but on slightly. Now she was painfully aware of every movement he made. She was tuned in to every touch.

"Andy," he whispered, careful not to disrupt Lynn. "Is something wrong?"

She shook her head slowly, taking in every feature of his face. She wanted to reach out and touch him, to press her lip against his.

"Then why are you staring?"

She blurted out he first thing that came to mind. "Beautiful."

His face scrunched up in confusion. "What?"

Andy blushed furiously. Her ears burned as she forced herself to keep looking at him. "You're beautiful."

His eyes softened. Face tinging red and she could have sworn that he glanced towards her lips. It scared her how badly she wanted to lean in; these thoughts were new and unfamiliar to her.

"You too. I mean, you're beautiful too. Better than beautiful," Quil tripped over his words, fumbling to find a way to express the thoughts that ran rampant in his mind.

Andy gave him a small reassuring smile and rested her head against his shoulder. She loved the way this felt, they way it felt to be with him like this.

It was odd, feeling so much for one person, yet not knowing if the even reciprocate the indescribable feelings. Unrequited love was enough to break the strongest of people and Andy was positive that she wouldn't be able to handle rejection, not from him.

Too many times she had left the sorrow of being alone. She felt like a wolf without a pack, lost and left to fend for herself. With Quil she had direction and she couldn't allow herself to risk the sense of belonging she felt when with him. She couldn't tell him.

"Are you guess even watching it?" Lynn called, breaking Andy from her train of thought.

She glared at her friend, eyes narrowing as she tried to make the girl uncomfortable.

"I am, I just do not like Dr. Malcom. I don't like his parts," Andy explained with a huff.

"Well it's going to suck for you when we watch the second one," Lynn teased.

"I don't like the second one! I hate Sarah even more than Dr. Malcom!" Andy turned to Quil, looking at him with wide pleading eyes "We don't have to watch the second one, do we?"

Quil's mouth dropped open slightly as she begged him and his eyes widened. Andy felt a sense of satisfaction as his ears began to ting red.

He cleared his throat, eyes darting between the two girls. "I guess we could skip Lost World."

Lynn groaned, annoyed as Andy did a small dance in her seat. She wanted to rub it in the Cameron girls face. Quil sat quietly, watching the girl dance around with a small smile.

"What do you plan for spring break?" Lynn questioned suddenly.

"What?" The pair on the couch spoke together.

"Spring break is next week," the youngest girl repeated with an eye roll. "It's the last one that Andy's gong to have before she heads off to college."

"College," Quil repeated under his breath. Andy barely caught the word and looked at him with concern as he looked straight ahead, distraught.

"I wasn't planning on doing anything special. I planned to hang out with you guess, maybe spend time with my dad when I get the chance." Andy tells her, drawing attention away from the boy at her side. She turned her hand over so hat they were touching palms and gave him a gentle squeeze.

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