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She held her camera firmly in her hands from where she stood near the Cullen's front door. She felt slightly detached from the world as she peered through the lens, focusing on the aspects of and details around her like they were art rather than actual people. She was determined to make every photo perfect, to have every detail accounted for, yet she didn't want to waste too much time on a photo.

She felt like this was how people viewed her. At first she was intriguing, yet they didn't want to continue peering at a flower that wouldn't bloom. She remembered the time that Alice had referred to her as a night flower. A beautiful, secret that only those who stuck through her stubbornness could watch in awe as she opened up.

She was determined to get Bella to open up to this party. She knew her sister wanted immortality, and Andy wanted to make sure that moments like these would never be forgotten, that she would never be forgotten.

Andy was ready to snap the photo the moment her sister came through the door. Bella always looked more beautiful when it was natural.

"Andy," Bella growled as she saw her sisters grin and the camera in her hand. "Cool the pictures."

The girl frowned. "I only took one of you though."

"How many did you take of them?" Bella countered, gesturing to the amused family.

Grumbling unintelligibly, she went and sat herself on the couch. She continued to complain through her thoughts, entertaining Edward quite a bit. Every now and then he gave her a small grin, much t her annoyance.

From her spot on the couch, she continued to take pictures of the group around her. Seeing it from her perspective, she was an outsider. Bella would one day join their family, yet she would continue to age. She would forever be fragile, and one day she would be left behind as they moved on without her.


Alice skipped across the room and handed Bella a perfectly wrapped box. Andy giggled as Bella shook it and Emmett shook with excitement.

"Thanks?" Her sister mumbled politely, not quite sure of the gift.

"Already installed it in your truck. Finally a decent sound system for that piece of-"

"Hey!" the sisters called together.

"Don't hate the truck," Bella finished at the same time Andy said, "Watch your language. I am still small."

Emmett rolled his eyes at the pair. Rosalie hit the back of his head, silently scolding him for his use of language in front of Andy.

Andy took more pictures as her sister opened gifts, faint smile playing on her lips.

"This ones from Carlisle and Esme," Alice grinned.

"We thought you could use some sun," Esme's tone was gentle.

Opening the small envelope, Bella hissed lightly. Andy watched in horror as a small drop of blood fell from her sisters finger.

"Paper cut," Bella whispered.

Andy was half way to her sisters side when she was violently shoved backwards. She felt herself lift off the ground only to be hastily caught in someones arms.

She shook as she witnessed the scene. A sob left her lips at the sound of Jasper's snarling, a sound that had haunted her in her dreams for weeks, a sound she would still hear on occasion and have to call for Jasper and his mate to come and help her to sleep.

The blond boy snarled and attempted to tear through his family members to get to Bella. The human girl that was bleeding heavily in a room full of vampires.

It was strange for her to watch. Part of her was frightened, for who she did not now; part of her could feel an intense hunger that was not her own, from who she did not know, she had no idea which of the Cullen's were having trouble other than Jasper.

She also felt a pain on the chest. She was frightened to see what kind of monstrous bruise had appeared on her skin.

Andy continued to cry even after she was let go and she was able to go and see her sister. She continued to cry as the family disappeared leaving only the four- three- of them in the room. She continued to cry as she felt like she was drowning and no one seemed to notice as she lost herself to her own mind.


She was groggy when she woke, her body shook lightly and she felt broken.

"Andy," Bella called to her. "Andy, baby, you gotta get up. Wake up, you're okay now."

Prying her eyes open, she blinked lazily until her vision focused on her sister. She immediately crawled into her sisters la, holding her around the waist as she started to cry again.

"I've got you," Bella spoke as she cradled her sister head.

"Don't go again," Andy cried. "I hate going through it alone, please don't leave me again."

Bella continued to soothe her sister as the girl fell asleep naturally. Giving her body a chance to recuperate from what it just put itself through.

"Is she okay?" she whispered to Edward.

"Her thoughts were complicated, but she was worried about everyone. She's slightly confused as well but is mostly hurt, both physically and emotionally," Edward replied, his voice distant as he searched her current and previous thoughts.

"She looked so scared of him," worry lacing her tone.

"He reminded her of the tracker, it brought he back some dark thoughts, but she has already began to forgive him." Edwards tone was steady.

"Can you help me carry her to the truck?" The older sister asked, feeling a protectiveness surge through her. "I wanna take her home now."


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i promise the next chapter will be better.

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