The begining of a new chapter

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Hello I don't know who you are and you don't know me but I will tell you about me first off hello I am lizzy bear and I am a teenage anime warrior . I know what your thinking no I am not from a anime I started off just like you a simple anime. Fan girl who loved and still loves anime well that all changed when something happened that changed my life forever and now sit back , relax and eat pocky so I can tell you what how I became a teenage anime warrior and met all of my amazing and the best of friends along with the most amazing boyfriend ever that I now have today .

It was a nice normal day a summer morning and we all know summer mornings are the best because there is no school for three months and like one week ! I just hope that I can have fun this summer well you know my kind of fun is watching my anime which is mostly action anime . I watch all of my anime series on YouTube except for dragon ball z I have the entire did sets except dragon ball super well I just watch dragon ball super online anyways . I have been a fan of a lot of anime I will list five of them. . They are death note , dragon ball z , Rosario vampire , corpse party and Danganronpa  . They really interest me but I love dragon ball z the most because it taught me so many life lessons for example vegeta taught me that I should just be my self no matter what and that I should never give up on my dreams no matter how hard they are I keep on trying over and over again. I am currently living with my best friend Emily till I graduate from college and get my own house . I get up and I begin changing my clothes even though I wish i could stay in my pajamas all day I mean who doesn't they are so comfy . I put on a skull necklaces , all black make up and a black dress if anyone is wondering why I'm wearing all black well that is because I'm. Goth and love the color black I can see the beauty in it . I begin putting my black sandals on I remember I have to go to the library so that is the reason why I was i box and I walk into the library and I head straight to the manga section . I decided to check out a Rosario vampire manga I mean I already have all of the dragon ball z manga so at home already somewhere in my big book shelf I have like hundreds of books probably on that shelf . I put the manga in my room so I don't confuse it with all of my other books and manga's that I have already . I put a pocky into my mouth as i go into the living room but it is soon taken away and eaten by Emily ! I say Emily why must you take my food now I am gonna me sad ,as I give her the puppy dog eyes . Emily says do you think of anything else other than food and anime . I say yes books , sleeping and horror movies . Emily just face palms and says never mind I don't think I wanna know the rest of what your gonna say .i just go back into my room to feed to my pet lizard Nagisa . He might hate mealworms and lettuce by he sure loves crickets . He has been eating ten a day now but he is still a cute little lizard that I have had since I was fourteen years old . I put the whole box of crickets into his cage so he can eat then I take him out and place him on my shoulder as I begin watching anime I sigh . I don't know why I am doing that I never do that while watching anime ! I guess it is because this summer has been really boring that it isn't funny nothing has happened that is exciting I just want a adventure . Emily walks in and notices that I am not acting like my usual self so she walks up to me and asked what's wrong . I reply I don't know Emmy I guess I'm just I  have been bored this summer nothing has happened yet I just wish I could have a adventure . Emily says well maybe you will get it soon .later on that after noon Me and Emily went out side and saw what looks like it was digged up so I started digging through the dirt till I saw something that I recognized I realized what they were . They were the dragon balls from dragon ball z . Emily says what is it Lizzy . I explained to her about my finding . Emily says don't be silly Lizzy that is just a made up anime by Akira toriyama . I just say well there is only one way to find out I walk up to the hole  and I yell as loud as I can rise shinron . It was then at that very moment we both knew that something was going to be different . The sky turned black and a dragon has appeared out of the dragon balls .shimron says who has summoned me please speak your wish now .

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