Chapter 34: Forming Plans and Failed Tests

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Grace's POV:

Once Poppy texted me to leave her alone, I went on our group chat and kicked her out, which made me feel loads better.

G- hey guys just deleted poppy from our group chat
T- good she deserves it 4 being terrible 2 us. Yes now I have different feelings about this
Ash- so how did it go?
G- bad. She made me cry
Ann- oh I'm srry
G- it's k

I turned off my phone and rested my head on my bed. Somehow I had to bring the old Poppy back to us. Not just me but everyone as well, like Ashlyn, Taylor, and Annika. Vance came into my room and said, "Grace mom needs to talk to you downstairs."

Once he left I rolled off my bed and ran downstairs. Mom was in the kitchen, cooking dinner that I could smell the aroma from. "You wanted to see me?"

Mom put her hands on her waist and said, "Grace is there anything you wish to tell me?"

I bit my lip until I could taste blood and swallowed. "We had a test last Friday..."


"I forgot to study." How did mom find out that I had failed the history test?

"Grace Suzanne Schotte! You should never forget to study for a test! What were you even doing instead of studying?" I could tell by the tone of her voice that she really was mad.

I couldn't lie to my own mother but I certainly couldn't tell her that I had been hanging with Iris Martinez, who lived a few houses down. Mom would have a terrifying fit if I told her that I was with Iris. To her and the other parents, she was a bad influence to everyone but to me she was my role model.

Iris lost her big sister a few years ago due to lung cancer. Since then she had become a rebel teenager. She mostly spent her time sabotaging things and pulling pranks, but when it came to me she could be an amazing adviser.

Her mother and father gave up on her a little while ago, so she could do whatever she wanted. No matter what her parents told her, Iris never listened and pretty soon, they let her go.

"I had to help my friends mom! Poppy has changed because of Marie Anne Louise and now we're trying to change her back," I said, partially lying. The Poppy part was true because I had spent almost all night texting Ashlyn, Annika, and Taylor to make plans of how to change Poppy back.

Mom glared at me for another minute before saying, "Just remember, education should always come before friends." Then she waddled to the stove and began mixing with a spoon and ignored me.

Shrugging it off, I ran back upstairs into my room. Opening Meadow Marks I could see the grade average difference for history. Everything else looked fine to me.

****Time Lapse****

"Taylor!" I called to her after seeing her. She turned towards me and waved me over. Standing beside her were Ashlyn and Annika.

"Have you found anything yet?" Ashlyn asked.

I shook my head. "Changing Poppy seems harder than I thought. What about you?"

"I spent all night thinking too. Then it occurred to me that we can't change her by talking. We have to show Poppy what a devil Marie Anne is," Ashlyn replied.

Annika chimed in. "That actually sounds genius!"

Taylor nodded. "But how do we show Poppy?"

Instantly, images of different kinds popped into my head. Some were objects we could use and others were words we might say to her. Knowing Poppy, I knew she couldn't resist criticism. Criticism was her weakness.

"Criticism!" Ashlyn blurted out before I could say anything.

How did she?

"We have to use something that will make Marie criticize Poppy. Forget the song plan, this might actually work!" Taylor exclaimed. I knew she was just saying that because she thought she was a terrible singer. But still I smiled.

Annika tapped on her chin like she was thinking. "We can write a note saying 'You're the worst friend ever,' and make it look like it's from Poppy. Then we give that note to Marie."

"And then Marie gets mad at Poppy, which ends their friendship. Poppy becomes friendless and we invite her back to our group and instantly the old Poppy is back," I stated.

"Are you sure though? Just because Poppy gets back in our group doesn't mean she will be changed," Ashlyn countered.

I groaned. "Does everything have to have a bad side?"

"Grace, don't make me bring out the light saber and the taser," Ashlyn joked, making me burst out in laughter. I knew just how much Ashlyn adored Star Wars.

After I calmed down I said, "You're right, she might not be changed. That's when the talking will be handy. We have to talk her out of that trance."

"Sounds great!" Taylor and Annika said together. They looked at each other suspiciously and bursted out into fits of laughter.

Just then the bell rang, signaling us it was time for first period. All four of us walked together to math, where Poppy and Marie were already sitting in their seats. "Grace has gone bananas I tell you!" Marie said loud enough so we could hear. Where was the dang teacher when you needed her?!

"You know everyone can hear you right?" I said to Marie.

Marie scoffed. "Duh. Everyone has to know that you've gone bananas! Then they'll really despise you four, especially you, Grace!" She and Poppy started laughing. I balled up my hands into fists and Ashlyn led me away from her.

"Wait Marie, I think Grace is scared that we'll blab her big secret out! She failed history and she didn't want anyone to know so she kept it inside of her! But now that it's out, we can tell people!" Poppy exclaimed, followed by more fits of laughter,

That was the last straw. "SHUT UP! HOW OFFENSIVE CAN YOU BE?! DID YOU EVER WONDER HOW OTHERS MIGHT FEEL? NO BECAUSE YOU ARE THE POPULAR GIRLS. YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYONE BUT YOURSELVES AND DOING SO, HURT OTHERS. DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK ABOUT ALL THE DAMAGE YOU ARE CAUSING TO OTHERS?! AND POPPY, WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO THE OLD POPPY, HUH? WHY IS SHE ACTING SO CLICHE ALL OF A SUDDEN? IF YOU'RE GOING TO BE A MEAN GIRL, THEN BE A MEAN GIRL FOREVER. YOU CAN HAVE ALL THE FAKE FRIENDS, NOT THE REAL ONES! THERE I SAID IT!" I yelled loud enough to silence everyone in the hallways. Instantly Mrs. Dawson scurried inside the classroom, shutting the door behind her. I felt my face getting warm so I quickly sat down at a random desk. I replayed the words I had said to Poppy in my head and they didn't sound very nice at all. My stomach churned with my breakfast.

"Grace, would you care to explain to me what that yelling was all about?" Mrs. Dawson asked.
OMG GUYS! I am so sorry for not updating sooner. You see I had authors block and then I went to Houston two days ago and came back yesterday and yeah. Before that I couldn't think of anything to write. But now I did. Also don't expect that many updates from me because school is tomorrow and I can't wait but I'm also sad that summer is over! If only summer could last forever! Well that's all......I'll see you there Yorkie, Raspberry, Pegasus, Sprinkles, Dragon, Puppy, Callie, Aqua, Monkey, Panda, Yuki, Kagami, Sandy, and Cookie!

Shoutout of the hour goes to.........@rainbowsprinkles218

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