Chapter 9: A Short FaceTime Call

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I didn't leave for school, and when my mom asked, I said I was sick. When mom asked if she should stay home, I said, "Mom, I'm a teen. I can look after myself. You go on to work." She left shortly afterwards.

My dad asked me the same so I replied the same. My dad dropped my brother at high school then went to work from there.

Finally I was alone! I laid on my bed and didn't do anything. I don't know how long I was in that position, but I heard my phone ringing so I picked it up.

I got a FaceTime request from Ashlyn and so I answered it.

"What the heck are you doing not at school!" she exclaimed.

"Simply deciding never to come back." I replied. I didn't want to talk to anyone anymore so I just ended the call. Tears streamed down my face and I hid my face in my pillow. The cold, wet tears stuck to the pillow, making me feel icky.

Now I was being a bad friend. Turning Ashlyn down while she was trying to help me feel better. But the truth was, nothing was going to help me feel better. Suicide is the best option for her. Darn, Marie was right! Suicide really was the best option for a depressed girl like me.

"How am I supposed to make Marie stop if I don't even know how to start?" I asked the air. I shook my head, then went on my phone. I checked my WishBone account. I was a pretty good success. When I started doing my daily dozen, a certain WishBone question caught my eye.

Would you rather be called Poppy or Marie Anne? 90% people picked Marie Anne, and 10% picked Poppy. I just stared at the screen, too shocked. I swiped down to see the user who created the awful question. Sure enough, her user was LouiseMA_bae.

No! It was MarieAnne?! I checked my profile only to see that she started following me. I started clicking random buttons to see if there was some button I could click to report or even block her.

It was too late though. She had commented on every single WishBone question I made.

I had made this amazing one called, Donuts or Muffins? And it got featured once. But Marie Anne commented on it: Surely, the maker of this WishBone doesn't understand how to make good food choices.

And she had a bunch of replies that said: IKR, or Yea, or I think that too. I deleted every single comment that replied to her. But right below one of the replies was a comment that said: Hey! That's not very nice to her. At least she was brave enough to do it, unlike you guys. I looked at the person who wrote that comment. Sparkle_680.

"Thank you! Thank you for standing up to me!" I said out loud as I typed it.

Some of my friends in real really like WishBone *cough* Raspie *cough*, so I decided, "What better than WishBone?" By the way Raspie, if you are feeling offended by this, I don't mean it in a bad way. I personally love WishBone too. Except I don't go on it much anymore, like I used to.

Hi folks! So I'm predicting about 7 books in all. This, the entire Gifted series, and the MLP Meme book.

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