The Wedding

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So, I found my KatheNey song. Pronstar Dancing by My Darkest Days. Whenever I listen to it all I can think is Kate and Barney. XDD I linked it up above if you've never heard it. Anyway I'm soooo sorry this took me so long, but it's here now and I really hope you like it. 

"Who the hell am I gonna bring to this wedding?" Ted asked worriedly into the phone, Barney being the one on the other line. he didn't know why he'd called Barney, he wasn't exactly the best when it came to relationship advice.

"Ted, have you ignored all my teachings?" Barney asked, seeming offended.

"For the most part, yeah." Ted admitted, it was the truth.

"You don't bring a date to a wedding. That's like bringing a deer carcass on a hunting trip. Oh Ted, oh Ted, no, no date." 

"Deer carcass, really? That's the metaphor you're going for?" Ted deadpanned sarcastically.

"Ted, it's a simile." He could [practically hear the scowl on Barney's voice. 

"Well, it's too late now. If I don't bring a date, a $200 piece of chicken-slash-salmon will go uneaten. I gotta bring someone, but who?" He asked, just as he did the front door opened and Kate walked in with Luke on her hip. 

"Hey, Ted." She smiled.

"Barney, I got to go." He didn't wait for a response before hanging up and smiling at Kate. "Hey, little man, give me some skin." He raised his hand and Luke gave him a high five with a big smile. "What're you doing here? Not that I don't love hanging out with you." He amended quickly and she laughed.

"Lily and Marshall wanted us all to meet at Maclarens in a few, but my babysitter bailed on me." She explained, setting Luke down so he could wander around the apartment. "So, I decided to hide up here, you being here is just a bonus."

"Mm, like a 'you have an extra ticket and your mom makes you bring the dorky kid next door' bonus or 'you've been working really hard at work and they decided to give you some extra cash' bonus." He asked.

Kate laughed, "The second one."

"Whoo, good." He let out a mock sigh of relief. "So, have you heard about Claudia and Stuart's wedding on Saturday."

"Briefly." She nodded, remembering how Barney said something about wishing she could come along to help him pick up some bridesmaids. 

"Well, I was just wondering. Would you wanna be my 'plus one'?" He asked, hesitantly.

"Ooh, 'plus one', you make it sound so romantic." She mocked, nudging him with a wide smile.

"Fine. You wanna be my date?" he conceded, his browns eyes flashing hesitance. What if she said no?

"Your date?" Kate echoed thoughtfully. "I'd love to. Um, how fancy are we talking about here?" She asked, the fanciest thing she owned was a couple of her work costumes and she didn't think those were exactly appropriate for a wedding. 

"Oh, you're gonna wanna bring your A game." Ted teased.

She nodded. "Oh, I'll bring it. I'll bring it so hard the bride's gonna look like a big white bag of crap." She laughed, pulling her phone out of her pocket and dialing Lily's number. "Lily, I need a dress."

"You're going. That's awesome." Ted could hear the squeal form his side of the couch. "Oh my God, four days to find a dress?"

"I know, it's a suicide mission." She joked, rolling her eyes, earning a deep chuckle form Ted. 

"Well, if we leave now, we can still have a fighting chance. Where are you?" She asked.

"Your place." She nodded, standing up. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2016 ⏰

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