The Ted Mosby Way

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"So Robin never showed up and Barney didn't get me but that didn't stop either of them. The next day there was another party..."

"What are you doing to me, man. I got a paper to write." Katherine and Barney came back down from the roof to hear Marshall yell.

"I know I'm sorry. It's terrible," Ted grabbed his coat of the rack. "I'll buy more dip" he rushed out before running out of the apartment.

"TED! TED WAIT-GET FRENCH ONION." Marshall shouted after him before slumping on the couch.

"I take it Robin didn't show up?" Barney grinned.

"No, so now there's a party number 2." Marshall muttered.

"That's great, well I gotta go." Barney turned and escorted Katherine out of the apartment.


The next night the party was raging, and Ted snuck out for a few moments to talk to Barney. "Dude, where are you?"

"Yeah, I couldn't make it. Anyway, so I finally figured out how to get Kitty to sleep with me."

Ted rolled his eyes, "how?"

"Well, she was kinda into you last night so I figured why not pull a Ted Mosby."

Ted scowled, "And what's a Ted Mosby?"

"I'm gonna pull the most cliche date straight out of a movie, and be a hopeless pathetic romantic like you."

"Good luck, I gotta go." Ted hung up. Back with Barney he frowned at his phone before shrugging and knocking on the door in front of him.

Katherine opened it, her eyes going wide when she saw it was Barney and made quick to block him from seeing into her house.

"Blondie, what are you doing here? I thought you'd be going to the party" Katherine glanced over her shoulder, before smiling awkwardly at Barney.

"I thought about it, and why go to some lame party when I could take you out on a proper date." barney grinned, his hands in his pockets.

"Barney Stinson wants to take a girl on an actual date?" Katherine gasped mockingly, a hand over her chest.

"And by the end of the night you'll be begging to come home with me." Katherine rolled her eyes and went to slam the door in his face but he moved quicker, blocking it with his shoe.

"Who is it Kate?" Came a feminine voice form in side the apartment.

"Just a friend." She called over her shoulder.

"Who's that?" Barney asked curiously.

"Just my sister, can you go now?" She asked impatiently.

"Come on, i'll buy dinner." Barney offered, and just like that Katherine's whole mood changed.

"Lets go," She grabbed her coat. "I'll be back later." She called into the house before leaving with Barney


Later that night Barney stormed into the house, sliding into the arm chair, Marshall, Lily, and Ted were all slumped on the couch.

"What happened, bust with Katherine again?" Ted asked. Barney nodded.

"What happened to you? Robin not show up again?" Barney asked. Ted nodded. It was silent before Barney spoke again, "I just don't get it. I'm awesome how could she resist all my moves. I took her to the park, ice cream, string quartet. There must be something wrong with her." He muttered.

"Yes, cause it couldn't possibly be you." Lily rolled her eyes. It was silent, before the ringing of Ted's phone broke through the silence.

"It's Robin," Ted sighed before answering the phone. "Hello?"

"Hi, Ted."

"Amanda? Oh, Denise-Sorry you totally sounded like Amanda." Ted high fived Marshall.

"It's Robin."

"Oh, Robin," Ted laughed. "Hi."

"I totally wanted to come; I got stuck at work again. I feel like I live there. I'm sorry I missed your party...again."

"Hey, ain't no thing but a chicken wing mamacita." Ted mentally scolded himself for that comment.

"I guess there's no chance your two-dayer turned into a three-dayer."

Ted was silent before nodding, "It did indeed, the party continues tonight," Marshall made a grab at Ted who quickly dodged it. "Yeah. Last night people were like, "KEEP IT GOIN' BRO! PARTY TRIFECTA!"

"Wow, okay-well I'll be there."

"Great, see you tonight," ted hung up before looking at Marshall awkwardly. "So that was Robin."

"Perfect!" Barney jumped to his feet with a triumphed smirk. "I'll bring Katherine and annoy her until she agrees to sleep with me. I will win this bet." He nodded to himself as he left the apartment.

"Annoy you?" Brittney arched an eyebrow.

"Yup." Katherine nodded with a tight lipped smile.

How I Met Your Father Ted/OC/BarneyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu