The Pineapple Incident

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What?!?!?!?  I updated!?!?!?  Yes I did!!  I checked one day and it was like bam 2k reads and I was like whoa.  So I wrote this for you guys and I hope you love it,  I love it. 

"So, here's the story of how I royally screwed things up with your uncle Ted, one your Uncle Marshall and I call 'The Pineapple Incident'." Katherine grinned at her two kids.

"The pineapple incident?" Her daughter repeated in disbelief.

"The pineapple incident," Katherine confirmed with a nod. "The night started like any other. We were downstairs at the bar..."

Katherine and the gang were sitting around the booth at Maclaren's, Katherine sitting in the booth next to Barney, across from Lily and Marshall while Ted and Robin were sitting in two chairs they pulled up. 

"I'm sad." Katherine stated and everyone paused in their conversation to look at the girl.

"Guys," Barney jerked forward and looked into the basket of untouched fries. "She hasn't touched her food, something really is wrong." The group gave a mock gasp.

Katherine scowled, smacking Barney's arm lightly, "I'm serious."

"Alright, what's wrong?" Ted leant forward against the table.

"Luke's started up kindergarten, which means he's gonna be at my sister's more often." It was a private school, K-12 that her mom had promised to pay for. The only catch was it was an hour away from where she lived and five minutes away from where Jessika lived. "So now I'm sad because I won't be able to see him for a full week."

"On the house." Carl cut in as he came over to the table and passed out some drinks. "It's my own concoction. I call it the Red Dragon."

"And I'm not sad anymore." Katherine spoke up, downing the drink immeadiatly. She cringed at the burning feeling in her throat and let out a slight cough. "Thanks, Carl." She wheezed out, forcing a smile. "Oh, God," She let the smile drop as she snagged Ted's soda and chugged it. "Why'd you guys let me do that."

"Because you were sad." Marshall mocked, earning a chuckle from everyone except Katherine who flicked him off. 

"These kinda look like blood." Lily said and Barney picked up one of the cups to inspect it. He looked over at Katherine like she was crazy and she just shook her head at him, silently telling him to shut up.

"Okay, I know that you've all dismissed this theory before, but is there any chance that Carl is a vampire?" Marshall asked. Everyone responded simultaneously, their reactions all ranging from 'Defiantly' to 'That's Ridiculous'. Marshall rolled his eyes at their sarcastic responses. "I'm serious guys," Marshall continued and they all quieted down again. "Think about it. he always wears black, we never see him in the daylight, only after dark."

"Oh my, God, that does describe a Vampire." Katherine shot Robin a weird look. "Or you know, a Bartender." Everyone laughed except Marshall, who rolled his eyes exasperated. "Well, I should go get dressed." Robin glanced at her watch before grabbing her jacket off the back of her chair.

"Where are you going, buddy?" Ted asked, turning to look at Robin. "Hot Date?"

"I'll say," Lily grinned widely and Katherine smirked along, Robin had given them the low-down about a week ago when the two first started seeing each other. "She's going out with a Billionaire."

"Lily, I told you not to call him that." Robin hissed.

Ted looked between the two wide eyed, "Wait, you're really going out with a Billionaire?"

"He's not a Billionare," Robin quickly denied. "He's a hundred Millionaire. Why do people always round up?"

"Because it makes such a difference." Katherine quipped, smiling widely at the pointed look Robin gave her.

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