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Btw everything goes fast in this story because I don't have any storyline and I just wanted to post this idea and it's intended to be a very short story so it's going by fast because of that

RapSwag: okay so like you're cute and everything but I like somebody else

ParkJimin: oh that's cool I guess

RapSwag: omg Jiminie not you I meant to text that to somebody else

ParkJimin: that's cool too I guess

RapSwag: are you okay?

ParkJimin: yeah why?

RapSwag: you're saying cool to me

ParkJimin: do you not like me?

RapSwag: Jiminie I only like you
RapSwag: literally I don't even care about my friends
RapSwag: they're a bunch of dicks anyways.

ParkJimin: oh okay that's good I guess

RapSwag: how about I sit with you at your old table instead of us sitting with my friends

ParkJimin: why would you only want to sit with me?

RapSwag: Namjoon pissed me the fuck off and I'd rather not see his stupid face

ParkJimin: don't talk bad about people

RapSwag: ???

ParkJimin: you're the one who told me I wasn't allowed to let you talk shit
ParkJimin: what did he do exactly?

RapSwag: nothing

ParkJimin: Yoongi I know the point of this relationship is for me to open up but I worry about your well being also
ParkJimin: so what did he do?

RapSwag: it's mean tho

ParkJimin: so?

RapSwag: he told me that I should just fuck this girl who wants to get with me instead of attempting to get with somebody who doesn't give me the time of day

ParkJimin: who the person who doesn't give you the time of day?

RapSwag: you

ParkJimin: oh

RapSwag: but you do give me the time of day so I don't understand what he meant

ParkJimin: I do
ParkJimin: I treat you like shit
ParkJimin: you give me rides to school
ParkJimin: you buy me lunch
ParkJimin: you tell me that you like me and that I mean a lot to you
ParkJimin: and I never even went on that date with you

RapSwag: Jimin you treat me perfectly fine

ParkJimin: I'm mean to you

RapSwag: no you aren't???

ParkJimin: I never do anything for you and I've done nothing but allow you to stand up for me and treat me amazing. When I don't treat you how you treat me

RapSwag: Jimin if you treated me like shit I wouldn't like you
RapSwag: I don't like people who don't know how to appreciate me
RapSwag: and even though you don't say it, you do appreciate me
RapSwag: I promised you I would always be there whenever you needed me right?

ParkJimin: yeah

RapSwag: and that means not letting you talk bad about yourself

ParkJimin: why do you like me?

RapSwag: why wouldn't I?
RapSwag: you're perfect

ParkJimin: I'm broken Yoongi
ParkJimin: I don't know how to feel about you
ParkJimin: because I've never felt anything before
ParkJimin: but you still like me even though I didn't know what a fucking crush was until like 2 weeks ago
ParkJimin: and you help me talk to people and you allow me to ask you questions about what I'm feeling
ParkJimin: you do nothing but listen to me
ParkJimin: like when we FaceTimed last week because I was excited about some shoes that were being released
ParkJimin: it was the stupidest thing in the world but you just smiled while I was talking and let me talk about my day and the stupid shoes.
ParkJimin: you always do that
ParkJimin: when I'm talking you just look at me and smile
ParkJimin: and even a fucking smile from you makes my heart beat faster than it should and I don't really like that but I like it at the same time
ParkJimin: I don't like the way that my stomach tightens whenever you touch me
ParkJimin: and I don't like how my face gets really hot whenever you tell me how good I look
ParkJimin: and the fact that when you sent me the text saying you didn't like me, my heart actually started hurting
ParkJimin: at first I thought I was like having a heart attack it scared me
ParkJimin: like here I am in class pouring out my heart out to you and all I can still think about is how good you look when you smile
ParkJimin: I want to forget all about you
ParkJimin: I want to go back to not feeling anything and not having opinions
ParkJimin: I want to go back to not having any friends
ParkJimin: I don't like the fact that no matter what you do all I can think about is how fucking cute you are while you're doing it
ParkJimin: my teacher is fixing to take my phone okay bye see you at lunch

RapSwag: (: see you at lunch Jiminie

That's Cool {Yoonmin} Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now