Chapter 7- Horrible bosses

Start from the beginning

"Beth I think it's time you told mom. I mean if you think it's something worth persuading."Kim whispers to me with her mouth stuffed with pizza

"Are you crazy?"

"So it's not worth it then?"Kim asks and I glare at her not knowing what to do.

I had to do this at some point. If I wanted Hannah to feel like I am not ashamed of her I have to tell my Mom and a bit later my Dad.

"Mom.."I say getting Moms attention.

"Yes honey?"

"Can we talk outside."I say walking outside as she follows probably expecting the worst. The only few times I have asked my mom if we can talk is when I told her I was gay.

"Is everything alright honey?"She asks looking bewildered as you can imagine

Luckily you can't come out of the closet twice. I don't think my Mom would have survived if I could. Having me be a double lesbian would be her breaking point.

"There is somebody I have been seeing and I'm not sure you will approve but I am thinking of asking them to be my girlfriend and I want to know if you think it's wise. I just have to tell you because it might change a lot .

"Okay honey I'm ready."Mom says looking terrified

"So its Hannah.."I whisper

"Sorry what did you say ?"

"Hannah." I say a bit louder

"As in Hannah your sisters best friend? As in the one who sleeps over almost every night?"Mom asks her face unreadable

"Well yeah.."I say watching her intently

"I didn't know she was..Well Hannah..I think that is wonderful for the two of you. I know you care for her very much. You know I was wondering why she kept slipping into your room at the late hours of the night."Mom says chuckling

"You actually knew about that?"I asked surprised as she puts she hand on my shoulder

"Moms knows everything."She says

"I would have to agree on that. So you are fine with us?"

And thus started the Mom stare down. Something she does when she tries and decides what to think.  At least it made me release I had just called me and Hannah an 'us' for the first time and figured out that we were an us. Enough time this little stare down of my mother took to make me feel guilty as hell and thinking of ways I could apologize.

"Hannah is a very sweet girl Beth. A lot younger as well. I think you are old enough to make your own decisions considering who you want to see honey. "Mom says kissing my forehead and walked away.

It was crazy how strong my feelings for Hannah had became and even more how big of a hold Hannah had on me without her even knowing it.

Even with all of this running through my head I wouldn't help but think of the looks of my colleges if I take Hannah to the dinner party. I have never been ashamed to be seen with a woman in fact I quite liked people staring. Being with Vera and Sarah and whoever else I knew they weren't staring in judgment but in jealousy. I know this time they would be staring in judgment if I showed up with Hannah because I won't be seen with a woman I will be seen with a girl.

"Beth what are going to do?"Kim asks out of nowhere reading my mind.

"I have no idea.."

"Come on let's start packing up your room."She says smiling sympathetically at me

"why are you being so nice?"

"I don't know maybe I am sick of seeing you moping around ."Kim says rolling her eyes punching my shoulder playfully

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