#11 - Ricky Dillon

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For Rachel (@rickypdiddy): Ricky Dillon

The Band Geeks

It was almost 8 o'clock. The sun was long gone, already settled past the horizon. Thick clouds casted over the school, and clung low in the sky. It was getting darker by the minute. Which only meant one thing - halftime was drawing closer and closer.

You stood in the band room with the rest of the marching band. The band teacher was conducting a few more practice songs before you had to go out onto the field. But, as everyone around you played their instruments, you just stood at the end of the line. Grasping your trumpet in one hand, you gulped, extremely nervous. The band teacher seized the music, and all the band kids headed out the band room. It was almost halftime.

"Ahh! I can't wait to play!" Ricky exclaimed as he walked next to you. Ricky was one of your best friends in the entire world. You both were complete and utter band geeks. It was something neither of you were ashamed of. "Aren't you, Rachel?" Ricky asked.

You nodded slightly keeping your focus on your footsteps and the floor. "Oh, um, yeah. Totally," You lied. Ricky strutted beside you, as confident and as perky as ever. He was excited, while you on the other hand, were not so excited. It was your first performance in the marching band. Even though you have practiced for countless hours, you were afraid you were going to mess up. And of course, your fear of failure outshone your desire to succeed - once again.

As the halftime whistle sounded, you and the rest of the band went through the corridor and outside towards the football field. The cold breeze hit your cheeks, sending shivers permeating all throughout you. The band was lined up near the outskirts of the field. As you stood there with your band uniform on and trumpet in hand, you felt more vulnerable and insecure than ever before.

The band teacher waved the band onto the field after it was cleared. Your heart began to beat fast.

"Now introducing the North High marching band!" The announcers voice boomed. The crowd cheered, and everyone entered onto the turf of the field. You stopped at the fence, grabbing hold of the gate. It was the only way to keep yourself standing up straight. You felt nauseous, your head pounded, and beads of sweat formed at your hairline. You couldn't do it. The crowd. The lights. The anxiety. You were the center of attention. You just couldn't do it.

"Hey, Rachel. What's up? We're about to perform," Ricky said standing next to you, placing a hand on your back. You looked up at the rest of the band on the field.

"I - I... I can't do it, Ricky," You stuttered. You gulped and looked up towards Ricky, worry in his eyes. "Everyone's watching me, and what if I mess up, I mean I can't even remember what song we are playing. And what if I forget t-"

"Rachel!" Ricky cut you off. He grabbed your shoulders and shook you a bit. "Look at you. You're a mess!"

You looked up at your tall friend, slight tears forming at the corners of your eyes.

"Just take a deep breath," Ricky spoke calmly. "I know you can do this Rachel. You're an amazing musician. And we need you out there. C'mon it'll be fine, I know you can do it."

Ricky looked straight into your eyes. You knew he meant it. But, you still doubted every bit of yourself.

"I don't know Ricky..." You mumbled, looking down at your feet.

"Rachel, look at me," Ricky said, caressing your chin and tilting it up to face him. "Tell me, who won the school's Best Band Member Award? You. Who got to play in the school's concert? You. Who got to be on TV because of her amazing trumpet playing? You. Who got featured in a newspaper article? You. Who is Mrs. G's favorite student? You. Rachel, you obviously have it in you. You shouldn't get scared over one performance. You can do it. I know you can."

Ricky smiled. You smiled too, and jumped up to hug him.

"Thank you, Ricky," Your voice sounded muffled, as you spoke into his fresh smelling band uniform. "You're the best. I love you so much."

"I love you too Rach. NOW LET'S GET OUT THERE AND KILL EM!"

You two rushed out onto the field and took your positions. The whole band had a great, smooth performance, including you. But it was all thanks to your best friend, Ricky. <3


Special thanks to @sweetfiction_ for editing this masterpiece! ily guuurl :)

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