#8 - Trevor Moran

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For Bella (@bella_69): Trevor Moran

Meeting the O2L Boys

For the past three weeks, Trevor has been talking non-stop about VidCon. It begins on August 1st, in Anaheim, California. Trevor is more than excited for the big day to come. He gets to see his fans, his favorite YouTubers, and gets to reunite with the Our2ndLife gang. You, on the other hand, have been keeping your excitement on the DL.

You and your boyfriend Trevor, have been dating for 2 1/2 months. Throughout your relationship, you've never met any of the O2L boys. And to say the truth, you were very nervous to meet them in August at Vidcon.

"No, Trevor!" You pouted, arms folded over your chest. You mouth tilted downward, without effort.

"Bella, come on. What's wrong?" Trevor spoke softly, trying to get you to answer. You just pouted some more.

"What if they don't like me?" You stated, looking up from the car floor. You looked into to Trevor's eyes. Trevor looked back at you with gazing eyes. "What if they think I'm annoying and stupid? What if-," You were about to rant on, but Trevor cut you off.

"Bella, what makes you think they won't like you?" Trevor asked you. You looked away, out the window of the car. Just 30 feet away was the house all of the boys were in. But, you just couldn't do it.

"I don't know. It's just... I don't know," You looked back down at your feet. You couldn't find an answer to his question. "Because I'm weird," You answered. Trevor laughed, and you giggled slightly.

"But that's why I love you. And they'll love you too, I promise." Trevor reassured you, opening up his car door. You weren't ready to go in yet.

"No Trevor, wait! What if they don't except my weirdness?" You yelled as the door slammed closed. Trevor walked up the path towards Kian's house. You had no choice but to hop out of the car and follow along. You awkwardly stood next to Trevor as he rang the door bell. Kian opened the door.

"TREVY!" Kian literally screamed, as he engulfed Trevor in a huge hug. You looked inside spotting all the boys sprawled about the kitchen table, with Taco Bell everywhere. "And you are Bella?" Kian asked you once he let go of Trevor. You nodded and smiled. He invited you and Trevor in, and introduced you to the rest of the boys.

"This is Connor, Sam, Ricky, and Jc. And I'm Kian," Kian stated as he pointed to each boy. "Everyone, this is Bella." You smiled and waved to all of them.

"Like Taco Bell-a!" Sam laughed out loud. The rest of them chuckled, including yourself. Oh god, you thought, mentally face-palming.

Hm, it seems as if these boys are just as weird as you. Perfect :)

After another hour, the 7 of you piled into the car and drove off the Anaheim for the first day of VidCon. You felt a tingling buzz in your pocket. You pulled put your phone, to find a text from Trevor.

Trevvvyyy❤: see the boys love you <3

You smiled at the text, and replied.

You: :* xoxo

It was weird. You've only know these 5 guys for about and hour, but somehow, they already felt like family.


O2L Imagines & One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora