7) I Can't Even

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I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling, still wondering what might have happened last night with Aliyah and Ethan when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in," I called out.
It was Joey.

"Hey, uhh...Ethan's inviting us over for dinner tonight and...obviously, you can't go so...can I come? I just thought that...I should make up for our absence yesterday."

I chuckled. "Of course you can go, don't need to ask for my permission."

"Okay, man. Get well soon," he said before shutting the door.

I groaned and buried my face on the pillow. I'm missing out on a lot of things...on a lot of opportunities!!
To hell with this sickness!


After Ethan dropped me home, I freshened  up with a shower, got dressed, then drove off to the studio.

As I parked my car, I saw Billie outside talking to a few giggling girls who were obviously flirting.
Gawd! So annoying.

But then I remembered that we kind of ended our thing so I shouldn't care...and I wouldn't. I took a deep breath before getting out of the car. The girls' voices grew to be squeakier and even more earsplitting as they started taking selfies with Billie. This one girl had her hands ALL OVER HIM I COULD JUST CRUSH HER TINY SKULL WITH MY BARE HANDS AND BURY THE REST OF HER FRIENDS ALIVE.

I walked over to the main door, trying to contain my emotions. I bowed my head, hoping I won't be noticed by Billie and his crazed "fans".
Unfortunately, the universe wants to fuck me in the ass.

I winced, hearing the girl shrill. "Are you Aliyah? You are like...sooooooo lucky to have Billie by your side all day. I mean like...I can't even...this is so...like wow!"
My gawd, woman! You are like...sooooooo annoying.
I mean...I can't even...!

"My gals and I are soooooooo happy to see the both of you...especially you." She whispered to Billie as her HANDS KEPT ON FAHKING ROAMING.!!

Every touch is a punch on the gut and a knife to the heart. I feel like my insides are being twisted into a big knot. The feeling makes me want to throw up.
I bet this girl couldn't even name five Green Day songs! Billie only caught her eye cause he's handsome and famous. That's all it took - handsome and famous.

I hadn't realized that she kept babbling on. "I'm a huge fan. Like...I want to be friends with you like sooooooooo bad!"

I thought she was going to stop talking after that but noooooooooo! She went on.
"Can I sing with you guys? I mean...like...I can sing."
She turned to me. "I can even hit that note in your song higher than you ever could."
Ugh! The nerve!!!!!!!

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" She exclaimed, hopping in place with each 'oh!'. "Then you'll take us to your concerts for free! That'll be soooooooooo awesome, and..."

Please stop talking.

"...and we'll go on parties and, and..."

Get your hands off Billie.

"...we'll go on tours...and, and..."

I'm losing it.

"...I would sing on stage! I mean like...that would be sooooooooo fun and, and--"

"Can you like...uhmm...stop talking?" I mimicked her tone sarcastically. "Cause that would be like...sooooooooo great. I mean like...I can't even...!"
And with that, I dropped my invisible mic and victoriously went inside the main door.

He's The One [Billie Joe Armstrong Fanfic] (Book 2 of Not The One)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang