The Best Form Of Serendipity Is Car Sex

Start from the beginning

"SOPHIE! Thank god! I'm having a life crisis over here!"

"Does it have anything to do with lacrosse?"

"Right. I kinda told your mom you joined the lacrosse team so you could sneak over to my house and help me with my crisis," Lys explained.

Sophie furrowed her brow. "Lys, I'm your best friend, not some back-alley creeper. I don't have to sneak over to your house."

Lys paused. "Now that I think of it, I may have overreacted in that aspect."

"So what's the crisis?"

"It's too important to say on the phone! You have to get your butt here right now!" She exclaimed.

Sophie sighed. "Okay, okay. I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Whew. Thanks, girl." Lys hung up.

Sophie walked downstairs. "I have to go over to Lys's for... uh, lacrosse practice," she said quickly before running out the front door.

Lys answered her door after only one knock. She grabbed Sophie and yanked her inside in one swift movement. Lys took Sophie by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. "Sophie, I have a crisis."

"No kidding. What is it?"

"I'm having a code red life crisis here. Call Life Alert." Lys said as she drug Sophie up the stairs to her room, "You're not going to believe this when you see it."

"And it's not related to lacrosse, is it?" Sophie sighed.

"No, of course not. Lacrosse is going just fine; my teammates love me, we're on a winning streak, and I'm probably gonna be team captain next year."

Sophie sat down on the bed. "Does it have to do with Jonah?"

Lys whirled on her heels. "Jonah? Why, what's going on? What did you hear?"

"It's just-" Sophie cut herself off when she saw the look of confusion in her friend's eyes, "-nothing. I just got that impression."

"We can talk about boys later," Lys said with a wave of her hand. "For now, let's talk about this."

She held out a crumpled up note to Sophie. "I found this tucked under the windshield wiper of my car, but it's addressed to you."

Sophie took it in her hand, smoothing out the note, but most of it was smudged and indecipherable. "What the heck is this, Lys?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. It was a little more readable before I crumpled it up and stuffed it in my pocket, but I think it was one of Jackson's psycho ex-girlfriends."

Sophie raised her eyebrows. "Jackson has a psycho ex?"

"Apparently. It said something like 'I was the first girl in the band' and 'you'll regret the day you met him'. Creepy psycho things like that."

"The 'first girl in the band'?" She scowled. "The only other girl in the band is Jackson's cousin."

"Trust me, this was definitely from an ex."

Sophie scowled, remembering the band muttering something on initiation night about another person who'd been initiated, but clearly wasn't in the band anymore.

"Who is she? Did the paper say?" Sophie squinted at the smudged handwriting.

"Maddie, I think," Lys said. "And man, did she sound angry and crazy. Like, 'rip out your eyeballs and feed them to wolves' angry and crazy."

"Do you know her? Does she go to our school?" Sophie rambled a little.

Lys sat down on her bed. "I don't know anyone named Maddie. Maybe she goes to a city school."

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