Chapter Twenty-Seven- Hangovers and Hangouts

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I woke up groggy and with a splitting headache. I look down to see Baekhyun underneath me, his shirt off. I look down, I was missing my jacket. Our legs were tangled together and I hurriedly tried to kneel up, but the headache made me wince in pain.

I look down at Baek again, noticing the hickeys. He had one right under his ear, one at his jawline, a few traveling down to his collar bone. There was one on the crook of his neck. I scramble up, hissing out in pain as the headache attacks me. I look over to Baekhyun, his black hair messed up and in wild directions.

Oh, wow he's ripped. How did I not notice that earlier?

Wait... did we...? No, no we couldn't have!

I rush over to a mirror, stumbling. I look at myself, letting out an accidental yelp. My curly hair was a mess, and I saw hickeys traveling from under my earlobe from to my collar bone. The bruises and cuts from Kai's father's attack seemed to fade away, but Baekhyun's love bites were fresh.

Oh my God, did we...?

The headache got worse when memories started flooding my mind. The drinks, Xiumin and Taeyeon, the truth or dare, the kiss. OH MY GOD THE KISS.

I never had my first kiss, though I remember begging Lay to take mine when we were fifteen. He'd refuse, saying he'd "Kiss me on our wedding day." Guess that didn't happen as expected.

I just kissed my stinkin' crush! While I was drunk! And he was... kissing back! All of the memories seemed as clear as Krystal. (PUNNNNNN)

The way his lips felt against mine, against my neck, the way his hands wrapped around my hips. Good news is, we didn't bang. Bad news is, we still left very obvious marks from the experience.

It was so nerve wracking!

I ran to the medicine cabinet, getting the pain medication. I got some for Baekhyun for when he'd wake up, and I got two glasses of water. I took my medication, taking a shower and changing afterward.

The memory kept burning itself in my mind. His husky voice. How I grabbed at him to meet his lips. The warmth. The taste of lemon cake and alcohol wouldn't leave my senses. I shivered. Oh jeez, how will Baekhyun react?

After I was in my new clothes I walked back to the couch, noticing the jacket and shirt we flung across the room. I blush, covering my face. "Oh my God, I can't believe drunk me did that," I shudder to myself. I also couldn't believe that even drunk Baekhyun kissed me back.

And that part where Xiumin stripped? And kissed Taeyeon? That one was real bizarre.

I heard a grumbling behind me and saw Baekhyun stretch and yawn, muttering a quiet, "Aish."

"I-I've got your medicine," I say, stammering and blushing to myself. Why am I so nervous all of the sudden?

"Mm?" Baekhyun mumbles cutely. "Wait... OMO."

"Y-Yeah," I chuckle nervously. "The memories coming back?"

"I-I'm sorry Sarang, I shouldn't have--"

"--no, it's my fault. I mean, I started it and... we were both drunk... but i-it's not like I minded or anything! I mean, n-no complaints, haha!" I laugh nervously. "I mean, I don't mind being kissed by you-- I mean, I can handle a few hickeys-- I, oh why do I even bother."

I facepalm at my absolute dorkiness. I just made out with a guy on a couch and I've got the hickeys to prove it. Hell, I've seen the guy's like, EIGHT pack, what is wrong with me?

Baekhyun laughed, "Yeah..."

He walks over, picking up his shirt and putting it back on. He coughs, "Just so you know, I don't... I don't just randomly kiss girls when I'm drunk. It's never happened before."

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now