Demons Run (3) Bacon Burgers and Murder

Start from the beginning

     I blanched, "Cleaning me up?"

     "Yeah." He said innocently, "You know, when I stripped off all your clothes and washed all the dirt and dried blood off of you. I was gonna leave you in bed naked, but then I figured nah, maybe not. Didn't wanna freak you out too bad."

     "You saw me naked?" I squealed. Luckily, I'd recently my legs and painful unmentionables hot waxed, and had been wearing cute underwear that day. Not a matching set, but at least I hadn't been wearing my granny panties. I wouldn't have minded him taking a peek either, but it still embarrassed me.

     "No, I'm just screwing with you." He said mischievously, "I saw undies only; black lingerie suits you, by the way. I want your consent when I finally get to see the real thing."

     I made a disgusted face at him, "Not happening. Ever."

     "Don't even pretend you haven't dreamed about me." He said. I could've slapped him for his arrogance.

     "You're right, Ro." I said sweetly, "You dove head first off of a cliff."


A few hours ticked by and my stomach began to gurgle.

     "Do demons eat?" I asked.

     He gave me a no-shit look before saying, "Of course. Puppies and chubby kids."

     "Can we stop for food? I'm starving." I said with a frustrated sigh.

     He glanced down at my stomach and then flicked his beautiful silver eyes back to my face, "No you aren't. When you're starving, your body starts packing away fat to feed off of it due to lack of food. So you get bigger before you get thinner..."

     "Not literally, you asshole."

     "I should probably feed you before you get fat then, shouldn't I?" He said, "After all, you might end up having to run for your life. You'll need good cardio."

     "You're such a prick!" I groaned, "There's nothing wrong with being big and there's nothing wrong with being little. Everyone has something worth loving, don't you know that?"

     He was quiet for a brief moment. It was almost as if I'd stunned him. He shook it off, gripped the steering wheel, and returned to his sarcastic state. "I'm a demon, sweetheart. We don't love anything."

     From his tone, I could detect nothing unusual. It was hard to think that someone-- something, even-- had never felt the one emotion that everyone craves desperately. Love is something that's a given. You'll feel it at some point. Even though Ornias was a true-blue form of evil, he loved something. He loved inflicting pain. So, I knew better than to believe Roman's statement.

     "You know how to, though." I said, pulling my legs up on the seat and angling myself towards him.

     "Oh yeah?" He asked with a challenging smirk, "How do you know that?"

     "You said you remember what it's like to be human; love is the most human emotion there is. It's the best feeling and the worst; it's our downfall." I said with a shrug, "You won't tell me how you lost your humanity. Might as well pester you about things you remember from it."

     He paused, "You're really annoying, did you know that?"

     I rolled my eyes, "Yes, you mentioned. Now tell me! Don't you remember what love was like?"

     "Yes." He said hesitantly.


     "My brother." He said, shifting in his seat. I could tell this wasn't a topic he wanted to be on. "I loved my brother."

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