A Dance with Chance

Start from the beginning

"Miette!" I looked past Serena to see a girl with short blue hair and red eyes standing there with a smile and her hands behind her back. She also had a Slurpuff standing beside her.

"It's been awhile," Ash commented. They must all know each other. At sight of Ash, she quickly walked past Serena and took up his hand. This caused both Serena and I's eyes to widen.

"You could be my date. Talk about perfect timing. Please, Ash? It would be so nice if you would be my date," she pleaded. I heard Serena scream softly in terror at the idea of them two going together.

"I would love to...but, Alya is actually going to be my date," Ash told her, taking his hand out of hers. Serena was about to freak out more, but when she heard the rest of his sentence, she sighed in relief. His words, though, made my eyes widen even further in shock. This was definitely news to me. I planned to sit out the party to either rest or get some training done.

Miette looked over at me for the first time. She looked me over, before quickly dismissing me and turning to Serena. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I tuned out Miette and Serena's conversation. Now that I was going to this party, I had to figure out how I was gonna get ready and what pokemon to choose to be Pikachu's date.

After a few moments, Miette walked away and headed into the castle with her Slurpuff.

"Oh! That Miette! Let's get going, too!" Serena exclaimed in a frustrated tone. She stomped ahead with Eevee at her heels and Bonnie and Clemont close behind. I glanced at Ash and he nodded, signalling us to follow after them. I held up a finger and pulled a pokeball off my belt. I held it out and waited for it to open and my pokemon to come out. A second later and my shiny Umbreon stood before us.

"Pikachu needed a date as well. So, I thought Umbreon would be perfect for him," I explained. Pikachu jumped down from Ash's shoulder and greeted Umbreon with a friendly smile. They both turned around and shook tails. I grinned, knowing they would make fast friends.


"Alright. We got Alya and Ash. Serena and Clemont, as well. Everything's in order. And, you'll also need these cards," a female desk clerk told us, signing us in. She put out four cards for each of us to pick one.

"Excuse me? What are they?" Serena asked her.

"You'll need that card for a special event later," she smiled, keeping it a mystery. "We also have outfits that are available to rent over there," she finished, pointing us in the direction of room where the outfits were at. Serena grinned over at me and pulled me along with her, the boys and pokemon slowly trailing behind us.

When we entered, we were all taken aback by the sheer size and beauty of it. There were so many shoes, dresses, and accessories to choose from.

"Look at all these dresses," Serena breathed in awe.

"So many..." Clemont muttered quietly. I laughed and split away from those two, heading towards another section of dresses. Ash surprisingly came along with me. I shot him a smile as I began to browse.

It didn't take me long to find the perfect dress to wear. I pulled it off the rack and held it in front of me, spinning around to show it to Ash. He gave me a thumbs up and headed off to find something for him to wear, while I changed.


"You look...stunning," Ash breathed as I met up with outside the dressing room. I blushed and looked down at me halter-top, light pink dress. A slit ran up my left leg and underneath were two separate layers of purple and blue. They were all tied together with ruffles and where the slit began, a black flower stood out. I wore my hair down, letting it cascade in waves down my back. Instead of having my two yellow bows in, I wore a black flower clip with blue tipped petals. At my side, Umbreon wore a pink ribbon tied around her left ear and purple jewels around her tail. My partner and I matched beautifully.

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