Day 15: Falling Angel

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Song: Not About Angels by Birdy
Day 15:

"I'm way better at that." I said to Katie as Jake and I walked up to where she was being isolated. Katie was on the floor throwing a tennis ball at the wall and trying to catch it, but failing.
"These are special circumstances." She said letting the tennis ball roll away from her.
"The stakes are high, you're nervous. Only eight hours and forty-five minutes left though." Jake said. I smiled at the thought of Katie getting out of that room and being able to hug her son.
"I should be sick. Holding Mary.... I broke every single rule." Katie said as she stood up and walked up to the glass window.
"You were brave." I said quickly.
"You really think the virus cares about that?" Katie asked. I noticed she looked a little pale and tired, probably from the lack of sun and sleep.
"You're right. And if Mary had been sick, you would be sick right now." Jake said.
"She obviously wasn't then." I said even though I knew what I saw. She could be immune like Thomas.
I heard a door open and Quentin walked up to Jake and I. "No sneezes?" He asked concerned.
"No sneezes." Katie replied as she looked at her son lovingly.
"Can I go visit Thomas?" I chuckled a little at how much he likes to spend time with his friend.
"Sure." Katie said before Quentin turned around and walked over to Thomas.
"Dang that's rough." Jake said chuckling.
"You're not even the most popular person in isolation." I said, chuckling along with Jake.
"Yeah well I'm a mom, we're not in it for the popularity." With that, Jake and I said our goodbyes and went to go have lunch.

"Oh come on!"
"I kid you not!"
"So you're telling me that you're first kiss was with your cousin?!"
"Second cousin actually, and we were playing Spin The Bottle. I just happened to sit next to him!" I told Jake as we ate our lunch in the room we stay in now.
"And how old were you?" Jake asked curiously.
"..... sixteen...." I replied, a little ashamed of how old I was when I had my first kiss.
"Really! Why did it take you that long to have your first kiss?"
"Well.... Let's say I wasn't the most attractive girl in middle school... and half of high school." I said thinking about my braces and style of clothing, oh and you can't forget the pimples.
"Bull! I bet you were beautiful!" Jake protested as he slammed his tuna sandwich back onto his plate.
I blushed but hid it using my tuna sandwich. "When we get out, I'll show you a picture of me."
"I'll be looking forward to it." Jake said winking at me.

Jake went to go and talk to Lex, leaving me to talk to Katie. I was leaning against the window explaining to Katie why I loved romantic movies when Jake walked in. "Okay, so you guys aren't gonna believe this. Lex said there were these journalists in the cordon who might be onto this conspiracy. That means there could be a whole apartment of evidence."
"Against Cannerts?" I asked.
"No, against Dr. Lomers." Jake replied. I sucked in a sharp breath and thought about this. "She's the mastermind."
"But Cannerts still lied about the timeline between Patient Zero." Katie said.
"You'll be out soon. We can ask him why." Jake said.
"We'll ask him." I said motioning to Katie and I. "You can go check the apartment."
Jake chuckled and looked at his watch. "I'm not leaving you alone for another seven hours and forty-five minutes."
"Are you crazy? I'm fine. This is what we've been waiting for!" Katie argued.
"I've been waiting for cold beers and a night out. But I'd be willing to compromise for whiskey and a night in if that's-" I cut Jake off.
"Jake! You're not that guy you were pretending to be two weeks ago! You know it."
"Listen to us, you're a clutch player Jake Riley, go act like it." Katie said to him.

A few hours later Jake came back. "Why are you so happy?" I questioned as Jake strode up to us with a huge smile on his face.
"You look great Katie!" He said making Katie and I share a confused look.
"I feel good. Iris and I just let Cannerts have it! We also talked with Quentin, it ended up with all of us getting Brobers."
"Long story." I said as we all chuckled.
"Perfect. You guys are gonna tell me all about it right after I tell you that I just delivered a baby."
Katie and I looked at each other, our eyes going wide and our mouths dropping. "What?!" We exclaimed in unison.
"I am not gonna lie, it was terrifying. And the mother, this eighteen year old, she was amazing. I don't know how she did it. I don't know how you did it! Good job by the way." Jake said.
Katie and I laughed. "Well... It's all a blur, thankfully."
"Hey I was thinking I'd go grab us all dinner. Then we'd sit down an-" Katie cut Jake off by coughing... up blood.
All our eyes went wide with terror as we stared at the small patches of blood on the window.
"No..." I whispered as Katie touched the blood on her lips, her hands trembling with fear.

Day 15 of Quarantine
Dear Hannah,
Everything was fine until an hour ago. We were talking and Katie looked fine. All of a sudden she coughed up blood. I thought she would end up being immune like Thomas. Things never go the way we want do they? I have no idea how long she will live. It took her forty-one hours till she started showing signs. Jake and I are devastated, we can't even talk to each other without tears forming in our eyes. I wish you were here. I wish mom and dad were here. Heck I even wish Liam was here. You guys always seem to make things better. Yesterday after I wrote to you, I drew another picture of Katie with Quentin. I showed it to Katie and she told me to keep it, in case she didn't make it.... Now all I can do is stare at the drawing. What is going to happen with Quentin? How is he going to take this? My mind is going a million miles an hour... I feel like if I go to sleep, when I wake up everything will be alright. This is just a nightmare and Katie is perfectly fine. I guess I should get some sleep though. I love and miss you all so much.
                     Forever and Always

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