"Nope not at all" I smile trying to look badass. Chloe totally ruins it with her disapproving scowl. I don't think it's the skipping that's bothering her, more like the skipping with werewolves part.

"Now or later?" Jacob asks raising an eyebrow. I have so many questions that want answers, now would be better.

"Now" Chloe says surprising everyone. She looks less timid now, even a little excited. Jacob nods shooting her an odd smile.

He leads us around the back of the school until we reach a door. Above the lock is the sign for nuclear with the words 'nuclear fallout shelter' written in grey letters. Jacob takes out a key and unlocks the rusted doors. Dirty stairs lead below the school building. Judging just on the appearance so far, there is going to be mice, and lice, and everything not nice down here.

"Welcome to casa de wolf" Lucas sarcastically smiles before throwing the second set of rusted doors open. My jaw drops practically to the ground while Chloe gasps. The room is clean, has couches, chairs, games, a TV, psp, fridge, and lots more. How can this even be possible?

"How did you manage this?" Chloe gasps looking around. There are a couple people already here which makes twelve people total. How can the school not notice twelve students randomly missing?

"It was built in the earl 1900's. The wolf council lets us use it." A pretty girl with red hair and freckles says coming over to Lucas. Just by their expressions it's easy to tell they're mates. Dad told me more about them last night. On one hand they love you forever and are perfect to you. On the other you get no choice in the matter. I don't know how I feel on mates. 

"I'm Cassie" she smiles at me and Chloe. Lucas wraps his arms around her protectively and lovingly. I haven't seen this side of him, it's cute.

"So you ready to learn more about us weres?" Jacob asks, rubbing his hands. I smile nodding my head, this is gonna be great.


Abruptly the bell rinds for seventh period lunch We can hear the bells from down here. There is a flag, Speaker, and clock like in a classroom.

"Lunch time!" Cassie yells excitedly. Just from the few hours we've been down here she is already my friend. She's very outgoing, sweet, loves candy, and brings down the jerkiness in Lucas. 

"Well that was fun" Chloe smiles, walking next to me as we leave the shelter. They taught us all the cool things about being a werewolf like the mate and pack mind link. Lucas also brung up the bad things like rogues and some of the bad council laws. Mom was actually right about how some of the rules are awful.

"So are we okay?" I ask Chloe a little pleadingly. She smiles wincing a little as we get out into the sun after the darkness downstairs.

"Yeah we're fine" She smiles linking our arms together. Yes! Finally I have my best friend back and she's not freaked out I'm a monster! 

We walk all together to the packed cafeteria. Even the humans seem to show respect to some of the people in our group. Most of the people in the group are higher ranked like Jacob who is the future beta. 

Like the last time, we sit at a table with just werewolves. I guess werewolf is like a clique where people are excluded and what not.

"Oh my gosh this cannot be happening" Chloe whispers softly as people bring us our lunches. Wow royalty much? I feel kind of bad having people serve me but the pizza looks so mouthwatering. Unfortunately I can't even take a bite before a hulking figure ruins my appetite.

"What are they doing here?" The booming voice of Jace comes from behind me. It's very obvious it's him and I don't want to look up to make sure. I am so pissed at him but at the same time I'm afraid to look.

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