Now Visual of Dahlia's Dad :

Now Visual of Dahlia's Dad :

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"Mark what the fuck I just told you that I couldn't do this." Tessa said looking at Mark,Astonished she couldn't believe he kissed her and couldn't believe she let him."I'm sorry for kissing you but I'm not sorry for my feelings you know that what did you feel when I kissed you.?" Mark said

"Don't ask me things like that look Mark your right you'll always have a place in my heart but I'm with Jinyoung and honestly I'm happy if you care about me the way you say you do respect me and my relationship." Tessa said.

"Your right Tessa I'm sorry again and I should respect you and Jinyoung especially since he's my boy I want you to be happy even if it's not with me I shouldn't have been pushy." Mark said." It's okay I think we needed this we good now, now bad blood." Tessa said putting her hand out Mark grabbed her and pulled her into a hug.

Tessa hugged him back feeling better that her and Mark were on good terms but she knew that if Junior found out he would be pissed she had to tell him what happened but she wasn't going to until it was the right time Tessa headed back to the hotel she saw Yugyeom outside there door."Yugyeom.? What are you doing here." Tessa said

"Hey Tessa I'm sorry I was going to knock on the door but I got nervous." Yugyeom said putting his head down.

"You know, Dahlia is really upset she you didn't  even hear her out or listen to what she had to say look I think you should talk to her she really loves you Yugyeom." Tessa said." I know are you coming in.?" Yugyeom said. "Oh no y'all need to talk alone just text me when y'all are done I'll be downstairs in the lobby." Tessa said." Okay well wish me luck." Yugyeom said knocking on the door he could feel his heart racing

Opening the door Dahlia couldn't believe her eyes."Yugyeom hi I wasn't expecting you." Dahlia said wiping her tears." Can I come in I think we should talk." Yugyeom said hoping she said yes."Yeah sure." Dahlia said moving over so he could walk in. Yugyeom took a seat on the bed while Dahlia stood up looking at him."do you want to sit.?" Yugyeom said."no I think I'll stand,you really hurt me me Yugyeom." Dahlia said

"I know I'm sorry I should've heard you out that's why I'm here me walking away the other day wasn't right of me I was so focused on myself that I didn't think of your feelings seeing you cry. . .it hurts me more then you know especially because I know I'm the one who made you cry." Yugyeom said." I know its fine but Yugyeom you don't understand how I feel at all I feel guilty sometimes when I look at you because I'm attracted to you and feel things but I put them aside." Dahlia said

" I know for Jaebum he's really lucky to have you honestly I can see that you really like him and I can tell he likes you,your all he talks about I wish I was in his shoes I don't know wat to do Dahlia I want you so bad its killing me." Yugyeom said walking up to Dahlia because Yugyeom is so tall Dahlia had to look up at him her breath picking up fighting the urge she walked past him.

Finding Felicity  - JaebumHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin