Chapter 1 - Famous Sam

Start from the beginning

As the sun began to dip behind the buildings of the busying city, I rolled out of my apartment building, my mind set on killing the guy. The faster I kill him, the faster and I can get paid. 

I took a taxi towards the airport. A couple of staff people recognized me and gave me a wave, greeting me politely. The most familiar was Jerry, a thirty two year old men. He works for security, the badge clearly sewn into his blue jacket and bulletproof vest. 

“How are you doing Charlie?” He smiles, giving me a firm handshake and a smile that can light up a room. He was a laid back kind of guy, taking his job smoothly and preferably chatting up with people. He knew me as Charlie, I wouldn’t give out my name freely to the officers of course. It’s a name I preferred anyways.

“I’m great you?” I ask politely although inside, I was dying to get onto the plane and head into Montana. 

“I’m good as always.” He winks, the wrinkles around his eyes deepening. “Need help finding your jet?”

“No I’m fine, but thank you.” I make a gesture, pointing to the clock on the wall. I shrug my shoulder and give him my most apologetic grin. “Look at the time, I’m in a hurry, but nice talking to you again Jerry.”

He waves me towards the exit gate. I wave my passport and personal information at the staff, and pass through without a problem. I’ve done this hundreds of times, I knew what I was doing if they were to talk suspicious questions.

I’m ushered towards a jet, plane not as big the ones that are parked nearby but that will accumulate my needs. I gather my things into the plane and sit down in one of the comfortable seats, sinking in and plugging my earphones in.

I jam out for awhile to music, the rhymes thumping against my ears. A finally fall asleep, the hum of the engine lulling me to sleep. When I finally do arrive, a few hours later, a service women leans in and softly taps my shoulder. 


I stare face to face with a tight faced, wrinkle free women with a worried look on her face. I frown and whip the drool from the corner of my mouth, hating how ridiculous I looked. Straightening up and clearing my throat I proceeded to understand the information briefed to me.

“The planes landing in a few minutes, will you please buckle up?” She asks politely.

“Yes, of course.” I nod, sitting up in the seat and looking out the window. The bustling New York City melted away into beautiful, lush greenery. Valley opened up like fresh wounds, bleeding out trees and flowers. Ahead, I can see the town of Lewistown just on the horizon stationed on a small hill. A landing strip was just outside the city, where we would be able to park the plane.

I pulled on the seat belts, waiting as the plane slowly descended towards the town, the wings tilting like a hawks.

We landed softly, and once we stopped, I stepped out of my seat, collected my things and left the cozy cabin behind. It was dark out, the sun had completely descended, leaving the sky dotted with stars. It was different here then back in New York City, where the star shone as brilliantly as the sun did during the day.

The service women came out with me, leading me towards a black Mercedes. I was always fond of the sleek look, the beautiful two seats and the smooth drive. I packed my stuff in the trunk and silently ignited the car. It was a luxury, the purr of it making my own heart skip. 

“Thanks.” I told the women, slamming the door shut and speeding away. I didn’t pull back, letting my foot deepen on the gas petal and feel the Mercedes roar down the road. I grabbed my iPhone and dialed Reba’s number, pressing to my ear.

“Nettles.” Her voice broke through, pristine like she was sitting right beside me.

“No hello’s today?” I joke, giving the Mercedes a spin around the town. God did I love this.

“Haha very funny.” Reba said sarcastically.

“Where are they?” I cut the conversation short, the lights flying by. Everything was a blur, and I enjoyed the ride.

“Yogo Inn, on the other side of town.” She instructs me. “Dean’s 67’ Chevy Impala is parked just outside.”

I hang up without saying goodbye and throws my phone in the passenger seat, leaving the outskirts of town and going deeper into the city. Of course I had to slow down, slowly making my way towards Yogo Inn.

I park a mile back and jog towards the small motel, my head low and my hands in my pocket. The chilly air made my breath into smoke, dissolving in the nights air. I pushed my legs to go further, hating the silence that rung in the town. It was always so different from New York City. 

I arrived at the Inn and scouted it out, making the rounds around the building. I see the 67 Chevy Impala, the bulky car nestled between two massive trucks. The steels rims reflected the lights from the street lamps. I moved around, peeking into the car and trying to find out something about them that maybe weren’t on paper.

I cringe back, seeing the wrappers of food scattered out over the seats. Pigs. 

“Like the car?” A voice that I wasn’t familiar with scared me out of my wits. In my boot, I could feel the blade brush my skin, the hunger for it to slice someones neck open. “I hope you weren’t planning to steal it.”

My eyes move towards the tall frame that seemed to be shadowed by the street lamps. I narrow my eyes, trying to distinguish the features of the human. The swept hair, dark coat and jeans gave it away. So this is the famous Sam, with about hundreds of violation on his back, he doesn’t seem like the bad type of guy. Not the usual kind of guy I hunt anyways.

I quickly give a dry chuckle, shaking my head and letting the curls fall around my face. I tried to hide as much as I can, but in the darkness it was hard to tell each other apart. “No, but I like the style.”

Sam smiles, shoving his hands in his pants pockets and shrugs his broad shoulders. “It’s my brothers.”

“Ah.” I say, letting my eyes roll over the car one more time. “I have to go now...”

I quickly scurry away, heading back to the Mercedes. My steps were quick now, my eyes glued to the ground and my breath fast. Nobody ever scares me. I could always sense them coming, but why couldn’t I sense him coming near me? I wasn’t supposed to show myself to the victim. Officers can trace his death back to me, and that would mean I would have to die all over again.

Too much was riding on this. I pull the Mercedes door open and slip in. I grab my phone and dial Reba’s phone, my hands shaking. I need somebody else to take the case now. They saw me, how stupid could I be? I grunt as I let the phone ring.

“What is it?” Reba asks, her voice somewhat impatient. 

“He saw me.” I nervously say, my voice high, something I rarely do. My usual calm manner melted away into panic.

“He what?” Reba repeats, shock lacing with her words.

“He saw me. Sam. I was at his car, I thought he was inside.” I urgently say, my fingers grasping the phone and shaking.

A knock on the window startles me and I drop the phone between the crack. I curse and look up, seeing Sam leaning over the window with a big grin across his face. He seems normal now, one side of his face shadowed by his arm as he knocks on the window again. 

I roll down the window, the chilling wind pouring into the car and making me shiver. “What?” I ask sharply, already jumpy and scared. Why am I like this? Why am I reacting like this?

“Nice, I like the style.” Sam chuckles, somehow easing my jumping heart.

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