8- The Kiss of Death

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Chapter 8

(Eliza's POV)

I need to warn Clary. There's only so long before they'll be at the station and if she makes any noise, we're done for. So I ran. Out through the back door of the house, through backyard after backyard, over fences, through gates, and around the corner, right by the station. I was there before the herd but I could see them coming right down the street. And then I heard it.
"Eliza!" Oh no. Clary. This was bad. I could already see the walkers down the street turn towards to me. One second, they were almost three blocks away, the next, they were one. This is your fault. You were out too long. No it's not! I've been out later! Well she's looking for you so.... It's not my fault! Whatever. I could see Clary now; she was close. I ran towards her as quietly as possible, not wanting to draw more walkers towards us. This situation was bad enough as it is. She could see me now and began waving but I moved my hand across my throat, signaling her to stop. She seemed confused until she saw the mass of walkers behind me.
"Oh my god." We needed to go right now.
"Just get to the station! Go! Run!" My voice was frantic as I desperately tried to get her to go. We could not die this way. So we ran. We were both in the station in minutes but there was no time to block the doors. Somehow, the walkers had gotten closer. We stumbled down the stairs, sheer terror motivating us not to stop.

[Listen to Coldplay, Fix You]

And then it happened.

One second, Clary was right beside me, the next, I could feel her hand ripped from my grasp. Her hand found mine again and I was in a cell now, desperately trying to pull her in with me so I could close the door. I don't know how but the walker was strong. Oh god, it was so strong. I couldn't hold on. I could see it lunge at her, it's teeth sinking into her flesh, flushing the virus into her bloodstream.
"Don't let go! Don't leave me! You can't!" Screams. Pain. Fear.
"I won't! I promise!" Something inside of me said that that was a lie but I was in too much shock to really process it.
"Please! Clary I love you! DON'T LET GO!" She can't die! She can't! I need her! Clary was screaming now, trying to pull away from the walker as more approached!
"Just let go Eliza! Let me go!" Tears streamed down her face when the pain set in and then... She let go. You let go. You said you wouldn't let go! You promised! How could you do this to me! I'm alone now!
"NO! CLARY!" The cell door swung shut with a clang and I just began shooting. I shot walker after walker, each one falling to the ground. I had to get rid of them before Clary was devoured. Then all at once, it went quiet. What had felt like an eternity had turned out be less than 5 minutes. I looked at floor and saw it. The battered body of my only friend. My protector. The only person I had. The woman I considered my mother. That's why when she suddenly breathed in, I almost screamed. I rushed out a cell and collapsed to the floor, exhaustion taking over. I cradled Clary's body in my lap and I didn't even notice I was crying until a tear dripped down onto her forehead.
"Eliza... Be safe, ok? You are brave, you are strong, and you are so kind. Don't let this world take that from you.. You'll make it."
"No Clary. Please. Don't leave me!" I was sobbing now and I couldn't stop. I could barely breathe and it took everything out of me. I was going to be alone now and I couldn't handle that fact. I hadn't learned enough....
"Eliza, find a group ok?" Her voice was nothing more than a pained whisper as she spoke. "You'll be safer with others. Be careful about who you trust, not everyone is as kind as us. Promise me you will. " Clary's kind words echoed in my ears and I still couldn't stop crying. This wasn't a cute, movie sniffle. It was ugly crying. My face was red and blotchy, my nose was running, and the never ending tears splashed down to the floor.
"I promise." Then all at once, Clary's eyes closed and her breathing stopped.
"Clary? Clary wake up!" I shook her body hysterically, begging her to wake up even though my efforts were obviously futile. "I can't do this alone Clary, please! We were gonna find some place safe remember? We were gonna live life together, grow food and make a home for ourselves! We had dreams!" I came to a sudden realization. She was going to turn. No no no no no. I can't do that! I can't put her down!
"Clary please..." My voice faded to nothing. "No..... '"

"I'm alone now."

There were long silence between my words,half sobs, half whispers. It was as if I couldn't work up the strength to speak properly.

"I'm not brave. I'm scared....."

Clary's dead! NO! I know it's sad but she had to go. I loved her but Eliza gonna be on her own now. She'll learn to develop her skills and become a better person. It'll all work out. Ok well, time for me to go cry now.. Goodnight walkers.

~Emma, xoxo

(Update: I just re-read this chapter and it brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sorry for the pain I may have caused you. )

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