7- Lies and Travels

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Chapter 7

(Eliza's POV)

What the Hell do I do?

There are walkers in the barn....
There are WALKERS in the barn.

Oh my God. I have to tell Clary. I can't keep this a secret from her. We need to leave today, not tomorrow. I don't care how hurt I am. What is wrong with these people? Do they not get that those things are dead? Maybe they just couldn't put down their family. I know I couldn't.... It didn't take long for me to run back to the house, full speed.

"Hershel." He was on the porch when I got back. "Hershel, what's in the barn?" He better not lie to me.
"What do you mean Eliza? There's nothing there except hay." Liar. "Now run along. Go find Clary. She's up in your room." I hate you.
"Alright!" I said, trying to appear as cheerful and oblivious as possible. I ran upstairs to find Clary. We needed to leave. Right now. I don't care what she thinks, these people aren't safe. What if those walkers got out? What would happen then? Right before I turned the corner into the hallway, I ran right into Maggie and Beth, Hershel's daughters.

"Woah Missy! Where're you headin this fast?" I liked Maggie but I didn't have time to chat. It was obvious that she was about to start a conversation. I had to get out of there.
"Just looking for Clary! Excuse me!" I dashed past them and into Clary and I's room.
"Clary! Clary emergency!" She looked visibly confused. "Slow down El! What's going on?"
Once again, I was out of breath. "There are. Walkers. In. The barn." I finally got out, taking a breath between the words. God, why was I getting so out of breath lately? I better not have asthma or something.
"What!? What do you mean?" She looked panicked.
"It doesn't matter. We have to leave. Now!" I was going whether she came or not.
"OK OK. Grab your things, lets get in the car and go.

And so we left. The first safe place we had come across since everything started, or ended if that's what you wanted to call it. The Greene family was obviously confused when we rushed our goodbyes and raced out of the house, into our car. They'd figure it out soon enough... Now we're driving again. Right back where we started. God my back hurts. And my head now that I'm thinking about it. Geez, Hershels' family really wasn't too pleasant when we drove up. I mean, who is that quick to judge a young woman and a little girl? How much harm could we have done?

1 Week Later

Finally! We had stopped driving 2 days ago. There was a highway near the farm filled with cars. We looted a lot of them and found quite a bit of food and even water. Of course we had to siphon some gas as well, with all this driving that we did. Our small car did well, navigating it's way slowly through the mass of cars. I could actually see Atlanta from here. Wow. I guess we traveled a whole lot farther than I though. To think, we'd come all the way from North Carolina to Atlanta, Georgia. That highway was a real gold mine. We got so a huge amount of supplies from it but, of course, we couldn't stop. So now we're here. Some random police station in a town we found. There were guns there. I guess no one really thought to look there. Also, there were a couple of holding cells so we could sleep feeling safe. Finally. Clary was slowly giving me freedom. For instance, I could now go out on runs on my own as long as A) I brought my gun B) I didn't go too far and C) I was back before dark. It was great.
As long as you don't mess up. I won't. But what if you do? What if you get hurt? What if you get Clary hurt? Stop it! I'll be fine. Thoughts aside, I love the feeling of responsibility. It's just so great to know someone trusts you to get things done and be smart about it. So that's where I am now. On a run. I'm probably about two blocks from the station by now, the farthest I've ever gone. I had gotten away from the town center a bit now and there were houses around. I needed to watch out for walkers (and people) more than ever. Who knows what's holed up here? I kicked out a door, the wooden frame rotting, and it easily swung open. My gun was up as I swept through the house, looking into every room and closet I could find until I confident I was alone. When I was satisfied, the search for supplies began. Food, ammo, weapons, clothes. Basically anything that could be remotely useful. And then I heard it.

Walkers and no, not just one or two. It sounded huge, like...... like a herd. And they were heading right this way.

Ok. So much dialoug. Ew, I know. Also, I really wish chapter could be longer but I'm just not feeling it and what the hell, why not leave a cliffhanger? More fun for me, more suspense for you! Anyways, it's spring break! I should be able to get some more writing in but. Well. I'm lazy so that might be a problem. I'll try my best to keep updating though!

Where's the herd going?
Where's Clary?
Will the girls be ok?

Find out when I update! Favourite to get a notification! Comments are really appreciated. I love feedback from my readers! Until next time!

~Emma, xoxo

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