2- So Much, So Quickly

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<<<(Eliza's House)>>>

<<<(Eliza's House)>>>

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Chapter 2

(Eliza's POV)

Dinner was. Well. Quiet. Yes, my dad doesn't speak much but my mother, on the other hand, could carry on about some topics all day. This was just confirming my suspicions that something was wrong. I finished eating quickly and went up to my room, using the excuse that I didn't feel well. I needed to find more information. You'd think I wouldn't be so curious, but I just couldn't stop thinking about the news...

4 hours later and it was 10:00 at night. I was still researching. Not only the news report. but everything that I could find on "zombies". To say I was interested was a huge understatement. I read articles talking about the possibilities, looked at conspiracy videos, and even watched a couple of episodes of this show I'd heard people talking about. This is insane! Well no duh El. No I mean I can't believe this could be real! But could it? I needed to share my findings with someone. This may seem odd for an 11-year-old but I had this friend I had met online. We both shared interests in the same comic books and met through a fan site. I knew it could be dangerous to talk to someone online but for whatever reason, I trusted this boy. For safety reasons, we chose not to share our real names. To me, he was simply, StarDestroyer1999. To him, I was just NebulaGirl911. Two nerds who loved sci-fi. We never skyped. Never called. Just chat rooms and texting.

(Eliza is Bold)

*NebulaGirl911 is online*
Hey, you on? :)
Yeah, what's up?
Have you heard the news? Apparently, people are "rising from the dead." Insane right?
Yeah, I heard! Sounds weird.
Well, I found some info. I've done a tonne of research and it actually sounds possible! According to a bunch of stuff I read, scientists have been tracking this for years but kept it on the down low. Something about not wanting to worry the public.
No way! How could they keep that a secret?! It's like, the apocalypse or something!
Well, it can't be that bad!
I don't know....
Hey, it's really late. I should get some sleep.
Yeah me too.
Goodnight :) try not to worry too much.
Yea you too.

*NebulaGirl911 is offline*

I found myself pretty tired once I signed off. It wasn't even that late but I guess researching takes a lot out of a person. Since I had already gotten prepared for bed, I collapsed on my bed and nodded off into deep, dreamless, sleep. Thoughts of zombies and monsters drifted away into oblivion.

I awoke the next morning to yelling. I ran downstairs and, for the first time in weeks, heard my father. He was talking to my mum, trying to explain something to her. I knew if they saw me, my parents would make me go upstairs so I stayed out of the kitchen and just listened.

"No Samantha, you don't understand! This guy, h-he looked dead! He attacked me! Trying to bite me or something, but he just scratched my arm something fierce. I'm not crazy! I'm telling you the truth!" My dad yelled, fear evident in his voice.

"Collin! You need to stop yelling. It's only 8:00 and I don't want to wake Eliza. I'm sure this man wasn't dead. He was probably just one of the sick. Remember the news? You'll be fine!"
Whoa! Wait, was my dad going to get the sickness then? Was he going to be ok?
"Of course, I remember! I don't want that to happen to me, though! It's contagious!"
"Well, then we'll just have to go to the doctors tomorrow. It won't be open on a Sunday."
My dad, finally calm, grumbled a "Fine." and before he left the kitchen, I raced back upstairs.
No way! What if he gets really sick? What if he hurts someone, like that other man? What if he dies!?!

My mind was racing, scenario after scenario popping into my head. I knew I was being irrational but all sorts of things that could happen. Mostly negative. I was so worried, I almost didn't notice I left my computer on last night. It was open on the news website. I hit refresh and what I saw next almost made me pass out. The headline read:

The Dead Rise.

The CDC states, "There's nothing more that we can do. We'll send in the military but there isn't a big chance everyone will make it out of this. If you want our professional opinions, start saying goodbye to your loved ones." The article went on and on about how, basically, the world was ending.

Dead... Military... Goodbye... Oh, my god...

I read the long article and learned that this was the worst virus the world had ever seen. First, you'd get really sick and then, eventually, you'd die. It could take a few hours or up to a couple days, but soon, you'd wake up, and you wouldn't be you anymore. Not really. Basically, you'd be dead but your body could move. Your only thoughts were mostly likely to eat. I couldn't believe what I was reading. Shock couldn't even begin to describe how I was feeling. I quietly turned off my computer and laid on my bed. A list began in my head. This is what I did when stuff was getting out of control. My lists made me feel in control and organised.

1- People were rising from the dead.
2-The world is probably ending.
3-My dad has most likely been infected.
4-This means he will die.
5-I might die.

My young mind, inexperienced and scared, was overflowing with thoughts of what would happen. Would I die? Would my family die? Would the whole world die? What if this was only in America? Could it have spread that quickly? My internal crisis was interrupted by a scream in the next room, loud and shrill, and then silence. I had to put my hands on my mouth to avoid screaming myself. All I could hear now was a quiet growling, not human but like no animal I had ever heard. Suddenly, I came to a realisation. My dad had died. Could the scream be my mothers?. Had he killed her? The sounds had definitely come from their room. No. No no no no no. This can't be happening. They're ok. They're ok. I will be fine. My family is alive. The world is not ending. My parents are- Terrified, delusional thoughts were interrupted by more growls. They were right outside my door now. I could hear nails scratching on it, piercing and......my dads? I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to tear my hair out and break things and hit the wall. But I did none of that. I'm not sure why but (with a strange calmness about me) I crossed the room, opened the window, and climbed out. The walk next door was short. I don't remember it. I don't remember climbing the steps. I don't remember knocking on my neighbour's door. I don't remember Mrs Elliot opening it. I had just broken.

Mrs Elliot invited me in. I spent a long time telling her about my research and then, what had happened to my parents. Eventually, I broke and loud sobs escaped my mouth. The breathy kind that makes you feel like you can't breathe. Where it feels like nothing else in the world matters except for the fact that everything has gone wrong in your short, worthless life. My parents are dead... Mrs Elliot comforted me, understanding how I felt. She had read the news reports and watched videos of people turning into those monsters. She and I were all alone now. We only have each other.

"M-M-Mrs Elliot, ca-" I tried to speak but she stopped me.
"Call me Clary, honey."
"W-well Clary, I can stay with you, right? I mean, you hunt so y-y-you can use a gun to kill the things. Please, Clary, I'm all alone now!" Stuttering. God this was so stupid. The world's in crisis! Get a grip El. Now is not the time for your stupid anxiety.

"Yes, sweetie of course! I wouldn't kick you out! I always saw you as kind of the daughter I never had! I'll take care of you. I do hunt so if it comes down to it, yes, I will shoot one of those things. Anything to keep you safe." Clary sounded calm and composed but I knew it was only an act.
She was as scared as I was but we needed to stay strong. I felt broken, but that was how would it be for now, for quite a while I suppose. We now lived in a broken world, with broken lives.

Yay new chapter! So, this one gives everyone a little more information on Eliza and her interests. Also, we meet her one, and only, friend. Any guesses on who that might be? ;) Anyways, I hope you guys liked this considering it's, oh my god. It's quarter past 5 in the morning. I really should try and sleep. This story will hopefully get a bit better as I write more but I appreciate any and all feedback! Comments and Hearts are amazing and I hope you'll leave some. Expect chapters at least once a week, maybe more, probably on weekends. xoxo

~Emma, xoxo

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