Assassination and Attraction Ver. 2

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Samantha peeked out her window from the safety of her blue bedspread again, then groaned and leaned away from it, letting the curtains fall shut. Scowling, she moved towards the edge of the bed and let her feet dangle over the side and touch the floor as she stretched her arm from her spot to her bedside table to grab the handheld landline phone kept there. Once she had a hold on it, and had pulled it to herself, she glanced at the floor and slammed her heel into the wood, once, pause, twice, pause, threefour. Then she pushed the green call button on the phone and put it up to her ear.

After a second, a quiet click and a sigh came through.

"What is it, Samantha?" Her older sister, Carry, asked tiredly. She was most likely in the kitchen, making lunch for herself.

"He's outside again!" Samantha complained, failing back on her bed. Her sister sighed into the phone again.

"Samantha, I told him that he could come into the yard to collect his brother's toys at any time." Carry said monotonously, having said that same sentence time and time again. Then, sensing Samantha was about to complain again, she added: "Would you rather he come to the door every time his brother tossed a ball over the fence?"

Samantha muttered a grumpy "No...", then sat straight up.

"That's another thing, how the hell does his brother oh so casually 'toss' a... basketball, say, into our yard?! They live three houses down! Why doesn't his stuff ever land in Benson or Charles' family's yard?!"

Carry chuckled over the phone, and when she spoke again, her voice was laced with amusement.

"I suspect he has a reason." She said. "And as for his brother, maybe he has a strong arm. They should recruit him to the baseball team. Maybe we'd win for once."

"Yeah, sure, Elderidge winning a game, totally." Samantha snorted, swinging her legs back onto the bed and crawling back to the window. She moved the curtain again, and looked down into the backyard, where he still hadn't found whatever toy it was this time, and was still carefully searching through the rose bushes. "I don't know, Sis, I just get a bad feeling when I see him."

The blonde teen's vibrant blue eyes studied her neighbor, for perhaps the hundredth time, taking him in. From his perfectly messy, straight brown hair, to his perfect tan, and let's not forget his perfect body build--strong and lean, you could practically see his muscles rippling through his blue tee--everything about Jake Vashton was perfect.

Samantha didn't trust that level of perfect, and while there was a certain amount of physical attraction she felt for him, the blonde couldn't help but get a uneasy knot in her stomach every time she looked at him, or worse, he looked at her. Which he just so happened to do, glancing up from the bushes he was searching and meeting her gaze. He held up a hand and offered up a small smile. Samantha replied by forcing a bored and slightly annoyed face and letting the curtain close again.

"You sure that's a bad feeling?" Carry teased. "You are 15, and I suppose he is pretty good looking..."

Samantha felt her cheeks get hot from the clear implications in her sister's voice.

"No, what the hell, Carry?! I am not interested in him!" She practically shrieked. Carry laughed, and Samantha could hear her moving something.

"Sure you aren't Sam." She replied. "Don't worry, I won't tell that Elderidge High School's great 'Ice Princess' is interested in someone."

"A." Samantha snarled. "I am not interested. B! I hate that nickname and you know it!"

"Yeah, yeah, sure, sure." Cassy chuckled. "Okay now if you're done spazzing, I'm going to eat lunch and then I'm meeting up with Tyler at the theater."

"Wha--I was not 'spazzing'!" Samantha argued, but Carry had already ended the connection. Growling to herself, Samantha threw the phone down to the other end of the bed and opened the curtain just a tiny bit, glaring at Jake, who was holding a baseball now. He stood straight and held the ball over his head triumphantly, even though no one was there to congratulate him over the recovery of it. Samantha rolled her eyes and flopped backwards, letting the curtain close. "What an idiot..."

Outside, Jake walked over to the gate that separated the Haston's backyard from the small alley that ran behind all the houses on this street, opened it and stepped through, but not before tossing a sly look over his shoulder at the rose bushes.


"I'm telling you Aaron, there's something up with that guy!" Samantha groaned into the phone, sprawled out on her bed. Her long time best friend on the other end let out an unconvinced "Mhmm."

"Sure there is sweetie." He said, and Samantha could practically hear him rolling his eyes. "You're totally not just having a negative reaction to liking a guy because you're tsundere."

"I am not tsundere!

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