The Sparky Chronicles

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Breath came out in puffs and huffs as Sparky rushed through the forest, pushing branches out of her way. The sky was dark and the moon wasn't even out. Her visibility should have been drastically decreased, but everything seemed to be glowing in a silvery light.


The loud sounds of a beast's footsteps came from in front of Sparky and she turned sharply, grabbing the trunk of a skinny tree to keep herself on course. She didn't have time to even wonder who was talking to her, but it sure wasn't her, or the beasts chasing her.

Don't stop.

Well, no duh. Whatever these things were--how many were there? She couldn't really tell--would not hesitate to rip her to pieces. She hadn't seen them, but if those snarls were any clue, they were nasty.

You must escape.

Breathing was getting harder and harder. Sparky could see her breath billowing out in front of her in the form of white mist. Why did it have to be so cold? There was even frost on the bark of tree trunks.

He's coming.

Whoever this cryptic, motherly voice was, they were not any help. Playing the pronoun game wasn't going to get her away from the chasing beasts. One of which suddenly snapped at her feet. Sparky stumbled but didn't fall. The thing snapped again.


'Shut up please I'm trying to run!!' Sparky screamed in her head, taking another sharp turn to the right. The beast behind her decided to be smart and jumped, tackling Sparky to the ground, it's prey letting out a short screech. Sparky's face was pushed into the soft, leaf littered ground as the beast's hot breath tickled the back of her neck. She was sort of glad for the huge thing on her, in a twisted sort of way--it's body gave off tons of heat, combating the gripping cold that had been trying to take over.


"Good boy, Jasper." A man cooed. Sparky stopped struggling and froze. The beast growled in appreciation for the praise. A human's footsteps made their way around the thing and stopped in front of her. "Hello Sparky."

Sparky tried to snap back sarcastically--something along the lines of "I'd say hi back, but I'm currently eating dirt."--but just made a muffled noise. The man sighed.

"Let her up Jasper." He said, sounding annoyed. The beast growled but removed the ginormous paw that had been trapping Sparky's head. She lifted it and spat out a leaf.

"Oh, nasty." She gagged, grimacing. She tried to look at the man. The monster hadn't gotten off of her, so she could only see up to it's master's knees. He was wearing black skinny jeans. And converse. What was he, a teen?

"Hello Sparky." He repeated.

"Hi." Sparky replied shortly. "Who are you?"

"Why, Sparky, I'm---"


     The man let out a growl not unlike the ones Jasper had been giving off. Sparky, who's neck was starting to cramp, laid her head back down, exhaustion from the earlier chase setting in.

      "You really should get to bed earlier, Sparky." He said. Sparky made a confused noise. What did he care about her sleep schedule?

      "SPARKY YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL IF YOU DON'T GET UP!" A yell echoed throughout the dream and Sparky jolted awake, more tired than when she had gone to sleep. She blinked at her room sleepily and ran a hand through her hair.

'Not that dream again...'

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