Assassination and Attraction 2

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Sorian turned the corner into Nero's locker room and froze in place. Nero's bag was in the middle of the room, with the contents strewn about. Sorian growled in annoyance, grabbed Nero's bag and moved to begin picking the stuff up. 

Nero had probably gone to the restroom and some bullies decided it would be fun to pour his stuff out of his bag. For some reason, these punks never learned that if they messed with Nero, she was going to get back at them.

Scowling, Sorian reached for a piece of paper and picked it up, but stopped short of shoving it in the bag. She looked at it, becoming increasingly alarmed and angry when she realized what was written on it, in someone other than Nero's handwriting.

'Come to the courtyard after school, and don't tell your sister. If you don't come of your own free will, I'll send someone to come get you! Don't be late.'

"Idiots." Sorian hissed to herself, straitening up and spinning around. She didn't notice Quartz pulling back from peering around the corner. Nor did she notice him when she sprinted past him on her way to the courtyard, muttering to herself, or if she did, she didn't spare much thought for him. Instead of following her, Quartz (who'd heard her mumbling her destination) moved to a window in the hall that faced the courtyard. 

Sorian raced down the stairs, glaring at the path in front of her. She'd taught Nero some defensive moves, so she was sure he'd be fine until she got there, but his bullies... well, she just hoped they didn't mind hospital food. Still scowling fiercely, she reached the double doors leading to the courtyard, and skidded to a stop in front of them.

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