Hack My Heart

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Alex really, really did not want to be going through high school again, but his elder brother was quite adamant that he do. Something about becoming more social. Alex, of course, didn't think that being social was something he needed. That was his twin, Xander's, area of expertise. Alex created computer programs and Xander got people to buy or invest in them. That just the way it was, and the way Alex liked it. But nooo, Chris wanted the baby of the family to go through that hell called high school once more, and this time, make friends.

What a waste of time.

... Right?


Alex blew a piece of his brown hair away from his eyes as he glanced at a group of girls who kept glancing at him, giggling, then looking away. They were starting to annoy him. As if it wasn't bad enough that he had to sit through this mind numbing coding class when he was one of the most famous programmers in the world.

The bell, signaling the end of the last class, rang, and Alex's expression brightened--much to the delight of his fangirls. Finally, he could go home and work on that new game. The deadline for it had been extended at the news he would be attending Ouran Academy, but not by much. He only had two months.

Alex stood up with the rest of the class, casting another look at the fangirls. What were girls like them doing in a class like this anyways? The didn't seem interested in coding at all.

Shrugging, Alex grabbed his black notebook (decorated with stickers of video game characters) and his knapsack and headed for the classroom door. His brilliant green eyes scanned the people in the halls coldly as he walked, brain going a mile a minute as he came up with characters and plots for a new game. It'd be different from his usual ones, a harem high school virtual novel type of thing.

While Alex thought, he tended to ignore everything and everyone around him. Which led to him running into to people a lot. Usually, Xander was next to him to keep that from happening, but he was plenty social, so Chris hadn't made him come. And when Alex found his face pressed against some guy's blazer, he simply took a step back and looked up at the guy.

It was a senior, from his looks. He had bright red hair and a fierce scowl. His eyes were a brown. He glared down at Alex, who looked up at him blankly, still half submerged in his thoughts, adding this guy to his equations.

"Tough-exterior type." Alex muttered to himself. "Actually a huge softy once you get past the exterior. Name could be Ryu."

"What was that?!" The guy snapped, taking what Alex assumed was supposed to be an intimidating step forwards. People were stopping to stare now. Alex narrowed his eyes.

"Entry could be a fight..." He mused. Then he seemed to snap out of it and bowed. "My apologies for running into you, I was thinking."

"Next time, watch where you're going, freshman!" The boy growled, stalking off. The people--who, to be honest, were probably hoping for a fight--dispersed as Alex pulled his phone from his pants pocket. He turned it on and unlocked it as he walked, fully intending to write down his new ideas. But something caught his eye.

It was a text from his elder brother, Chris. Alex hummed curiously as he open the text. People passing him glanced his way as he groaned loudly.

'Hey Alex! Sorry, but Xander and I are at that store about an hour away, so we can't pick you up! I suggest finding a club to spend that time with~' .

Club? What club? There weren't any to his liking on the school website, that was for sure. Yeah, there was a coding club, but Alex was not in the mood to get badgered by a bunch of noobs with questions. He'd had enough of that at college...

Alex sighed to the new-empty hallway.

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