Bully In The Sandbox [Kindergarten AU]

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Ray's tongue stuck out when he was concentrating, Skylar noticed as his friend (read crush) patted his sand hill. Skylar patted his own halfheartedly, more interested in watching Ray than in his poor excuse for a sand hill. Ray's was huge. Like, a foot and a half tall.

"You're bad at this." Ray muttered, glancing up from his beloved hill and meeting Skylar's eyes. Ray's cheeks were dusted pink and he quickly looked back down. "It's really small."

"I know it is..." Skylar replied, also blushing a little. He focused on his hill for a second, pulling more sand from around him and piling it on top. "There."

Ray glanced up again and hummed his approval. It was better, at least.

"Hey, Rayne." A sneering voice came from behind the pair. Ray twitched at the sound of his birth name and looked over his shoulder. Skylar was already frowning at the newcomer. It was Austin, a first grader. He liked to push the kindergarten kids around. And he liked Rayne. "Why don't you quit hanging out with this loser and come play with me on the swings?"

Ray scowled at him and turned back to his hill.

"I'm making a sand hill." He said simply. Skylar smirked at Austin, who bristled.

"Yeah, but," The bully tried. He leaned down and grabbed Ray's wrist, pulling him up. Ray tried to pull away. "You'll have more fun on the swings."

"Hey, let go!" Ray demanded, using his free hand to try and pry of Austin's. "I don't want to swing!"

"Let Ray go, you big bully!" Skylar shouted, standing up and glaring at Austin. The 1st grader didn't budge, if anything, he tightened his gripped. Ray yelped in pain.

"What if I don't want to?" Austin growled. "What's a kindergartener like you gonna do?"

"Let. GO!" Ray yelled, kicking Austin's shin. Austin let go and focused his anger on Ray. He knew he couldn't hit a 'girl', so he went for the next best thing.

He kicked Ray's sand hill. Sand sprayed everywhere. Ray and Skylar stared at the ruined structure in shock. Ray's eyes started to fill with tears.

"M-my sand hill!!" He sniffled, close to all-out bawling. Skylar's fist clenched.

"Hey why'd you do that, Ray worked hard on it!" He yelled at Austin. Austin smiled.

"And?" He asked. Skylar felt himself rushing forward, and saw his fist connecting with Austin's nose. There was a loud Crack! Everyone stared at each other in shock; Ray at Skylar, Skylar at Austin and Austin at Skylar.

Then Austin screamed.


Skylar's feet swung back and forth as he sat on one of the big plastic chairs in the principal's office. His dads and Ray were in there with Principal Jinks, talking. Skylar watched his feet, back and forth, back and forth.

The door opened, and Jeff, Vee, and Ray came out. Ray ran over to Skylar and climbed onto the chair next to him. Jeff and Vee walked over slowly. Skylar felt guilty when he saw that Vee was in his nurse's uniform. He'd come from work. Jeff had on casual clothes, being the working-from-home dad.

"Sky..." Vee said softly, crouching down to Skylar's height. "You know what you did was wrong, right?"

Skylar nodded. Ray grabbed his hand and squeezed it. Vee sighed and stood up.

"Luckily, the parents aren't pushing charges--they say they were going in to tell the principal about their son's bullying habits anyway."

"What good parents." Jeff remarked sarcastically. Ray grinned at him and Jeff shot a smile back. Vee looked at Jeff sharply, and the latter muttered an apology.

"So you're just suspended for a week." Vee finished. Ray pouted.

"A whole week?" He complained. "Who am I going to play with?"

Vee and Jeff exchanged glances.

"Well, actually, Ray, you're suspended too." Jeff said, rubbing the back of his neck. Ray blinked.

"Can I spend the week at your house?"


Omigods I can't believe I actually did this. I like bow it turned out.
First official written Raylar thing
This is an official ship now

I feel like Vee would work at a hospital if he had a normal job and Jeff would have some thing were he helped people who were having trouble with a webpage.

I also feel Ray and Jeff would get along.

Ps: only Skylar, Vee, and Jeff knew about Ray being trans in this and he was in a dress the whole time

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