Chapter 3

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My idea of what Kota looks like, except with glasses

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My idea of what Kota looks like, except with glasses.

     As soon as I closed the back door, the house phone started to ring. I ran to answer it. Only one person had this number.

"Hey Sang," Emily replied after I answer it. "How's everything going? "

"Good, aunt Emily. How's work going?"

"Going good. Listen, it's going to take me longer than I thought to get everything sorted out. Probably won't make it until after school starts. I've already faxed the school all the required documents. All you have to do is register the week before school starts. They should send a newsletter soon. Now I've ordered two weeks worth of groceries and blood for you. They both should be coming today. If you need anything, just call me. I'll give you a call next week. Love you."
She hung up before I could reply.

My aunt wasn't the most social person. She was very into her work.

After 6 years I was used to it. Plus, she took care of everything for me. I wouldn't even need to leave the house if I didn't want to. As it was, I liked my walks.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a coffee cup. I went to the fridge and opened up a bag of blood. I poured it into the cup and put it into the microwave to warm it up. Cold blood was just gross. I only needed to drink a bag of blood a day, unless I was sick, which wasn't often.

I slowly walked around the house, sipping on the blood. I already had everything in order, I just liked to triple check everything.

Just as I finished the cup, the door bell rang. I hurried to answer it.

As I opened the door, I saw a big pile of grocery bags sitting on the front steps. I looked around for the delivery man, who usually helped carry the bags inside, but neither he nor his truck was anywhere to be seen.

I looked back down at the bags.

Two weeks worth? Try two months worth. Did she forget I don't eat that much?

Just as I was about to pick a couple bags up, I heard someone walking up the driveway.

I looked up to see a brown haired boy in glasses walk up. He was about the same height as Nathan, but not as musceled. He had on a pair of black dress pants and a dark green button up shirt. He looked to be the same age as Nathan and I briefly wondered if he'd be in our grade too.

He looked like a smart nerd, one with a quiet air of confidence and more musceled than most.

"Hi, I'm Kota. I live in the house across from you." He pointed to a house across the street where a bunch of cars were parked.

Was he having a party?

"Hi," I said, blushing and looking down.

He held out his hand, and I reached out to take it. The same shock zapped up my arm again. He didn't seem to feel it either.

Was it just me? Static electricity?

He dropped my hand.

"I saw that guy take off and thought I'd give you a hand with the groceries. I also thought I'd introduce myself and welcome you to the neighborhood all at the same time."

"Thanks," I said, smiling at him.

"Here, let me help you carry everything in. I mean, if that's ok with you," he asked sheepishly.

" Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks again."

Between the two of use, we got all the bags inside. We started unpacking bags and organizing stuff by where they go. Once the bags were unpacked, we put the pantry items up first. Then we started on the fridge and freezer.

Kota opened the fridge door just as I remembered the blood bags. I watched as his eyes widened before his face became unreadable. I waited for him to ask about the bags of blood, but he never did. He just kept putting the rest of the food away.

Once we were done, I thanked him again.

"No problem, Sang," he replied. " Well I've got to get back to my house. It was a pleasure meeting you, Sang."

I walked him to the door and we said our goodbyes. I watched as he jogged across the street and disappeared behind his front door.

Two nice and cute boys, all in one day.
They also live on this street. What are the odds, I thought to myself as I shut the door.

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