"Okay relax. Just ask him how he's doing? Give him something to eat. He's always hungry. Um... What else oh... I got it play 20 questions. You'll get to know each other like that."He said.

"You sure it'll work?" I asked.

"I'm Positive"He replied.

"Thanks Harry you're the best"I hugged him.

"No worries. Well I'm gonna go. Hope everything works."I saw Harry walk out the door. I'm really nervous. Is Niall gonna hate me for ever is he gonna like me and forgive me? Oh my, how did my life became so complicated.


He's here! Relax nothing wrong is gonna happen. Everything is gonna be alright. You'll se Noelle. At the end of the night you'll become friends. Or maybe even more. Okay I really need to stop with that I have a boyfriend.


I opened the door a bit nervous. I was greeted with the most amazing blue eyes in the world. He was looking at my eyes too. We stood there for a while. I wish this moment would never end. My friends will kill me that I was hanging out with Niall. I'll be a dead woman.

"Hi. May I come in."He said still standing in the door way.He gave me a warm smile.

"Sure"I returned him the smile. I let him in and he walked toward one of the couches. I sat on the other side of the couch.

"So, Niall what do you wanna talk about?"I started the conversation.

"Um... How 'bout we play 20 questions?" He asked. Now we were facing each other.I nodded my head for approval.Niall asked the first question. He asked what was my favorite color. 'Blue and green of course, everyone knows they're the best' Y'all know how his favorite right. If you don't then shame on you.

"What's your most favorite dessert? You can only choose one. Only one." I decided to mess with him. He was in deep thought.I think there's some thing wrong with this boy. Yes I called him boy cause he is one right.

"Gahhh, I don't know. I can't choose its hard. I was asked this question ages ago it almost killed me. What about you what's your favourite dessert? I bet you won't be able to decide." He responded. Wow this kid loves dessert a lot. Yes I know I called him kid but who cares.

"Oh, I just remembered. A few years back I went to this dessert place in downtown L.A. I think the place is called SYRUP desserts. It's an Espresso bar & dessert spot offering Belgian waffles, crepes, ice cream & grilled cheese sandwiches. Everything tastes so freaking good. You should go to the place and you'll love it. That's for sure." I responded in a second. Haha. Niall's face looked surprised. It was so cute, I could just pinch his cheeks.

"Omg how can you choose between many many delicious wonderful desserts.You're a weird twin, nothing like Liam.Well I can't wait to go to L.A. I bet everything will taste delicious."He said with a smile.

"Actually years ago I hated being asked that question. I mean it's harder than a math problem.But now I don't have to struggle choosing a dessert."I respond.

"Yes I agree. But I'm a math genius.So it's not for me. What about you, are you a math genius?"

"Yep" I said popping the 'p'.

"Oh yeah, then what's 675 books plus 345 books equals to?" Wow. He still remembers the equation that Louis gave him.

"It equals to 1,020 books, or in your case LIBRARY! Give me harder questions, Lou."I said the last part in my best Irish accent.Niall got his phone out and opened the calculator app and checked if I was right.

"W-what h-how did ya kn-know?"He said looking shocked, he even dropped his phone.

"Well I am a math genius. I'm smarted than you think I am and a lot more tougher."I said.

"You know you have a really really good Irish accent.How many languages can you speak?"

"Thanks. Let me see. I know Engligh, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, and I know sign language"

"How you're the coolest person I've meet."He responded.

We continue to play and we learned really interesting things about each other. I realised that we had one more question left.I hope it's not a bad one.

"Do you have a um boyfriend?"He said in an awkward way.

"No"I replied without thinking. I'm regretting the fact that I said no. I know he'll find out. But who cares. It's not like someone will tell him that I lied.


Hi. Ik it's a bit late but here's the new chapter. Hope y'all enjoy it.


Her Name Is Noelle       (Niall Horan Fanfiction) *NO LONGER WRITING THIS BOOK*Where stories live. Discover now