part nineteen: heat. (mild ⚠️)

Start from the beginning

Boyfriend. Boyfriend. Boyfriend.

Harry couldn't help the smile on his face when he thought about Louis' blue eyes. They were electric, especially when he was happy. How could someone have eyes like that? Harry even thought about his eyes. Green was nothing like blue eyes. Green was so boring compared to Louis' electric blue, sea blue, beautiful blue eyes.

Louis loved Harry's green eyes. He wished his eyes were green. Harry's eyes were a lazy green and he thought they were beautiful. He hated when Harry's eyes filled with tears because they didn't hold his favorite color anymore when he did. He hated when Harry was mad because they turned black when anger filled his body. Louis knew he had to deal with Harry's mood swings, blushing, and slow talking. But, that was his favorite things about his boyfriend.


It made Louis' stomach flutter when he thought about it. Harry was his. No one was Harry's, but him. They were each other's.

 They were each other's

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Harry sat in his math class with his laptop on the desk. He was one of the last people to enter the class, but that was because Imani stopped him to talk to him about the school a bit more, requested by him. Harry saw Zayn stumble in and the professor chuckled.

"Mr. Malik, it's nice to see you've finally decided to join class. Take a seat." The young, attractive professor said. He met eyes with Harry and smiled. "Right there, next to the one with the nice hair."

Harry looked around him, pretending he didn't know the professor was talking about him. That earned a few laughs from the class, even the professor.

"Hey, Harry." Zayn said as he sat down.

The professor interrupted. "Harry? I don't have a Harry on this lis-"

"His name is Harold." A voice said from the door.

Harry's heart skipped a beat when he saw Louis leaning against the door. Slight murmurs could be heard around him. The professor nodded, taking Harry's name down.

"Louis Tomlinson, the president of the student body." The professor teased, writing his name on the board.

Professor Huller: Sean Huller, he wrote.

Louis nodded, handing him a paper. "Here's your updated attendance sheets, edited by me of course. I needed to make sure everyone could fit in your class and Professor Hudson's class." Louis said with a little humor in his voice. "Got everything you need now."

"Thanks, Tomlinson. You can leave now." Professor laughed. "You have a class right now?"

Louis nodded. "It starts in an hour."

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