Chapter Eleven: "Who hurt you?"

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Word count: 19,876

3rd Persons POV:

Tenten sat curled up in bed. Lights off, curtains closed. Music blasting through her earbuds. She hadn't left her room for two days. Living off of protein bars and a package of thirty four water bottles.

She knew it was Monday and she was completly ready to ditch school. What was she supposed to say if she was forced to speak with Neji? How was she supposed to act? She had spent Saturday night and all of Sunday trying to answer her own question. But she couldn't.

So, instead of facing him at school. She wouldn't go. Ignoring her father's knocking, she turned up her music even louder. She wondered if she would ruin her hearing this way. She inwardly shrugged, not caring.

Maybe if she went deaf she wouldn't have to hear what he has to say to her.

Tenten snapped back into reality when her door slowly opened and light poured into the dark and cluttered room. She narrowed her eyes as they adjusted to the brightness of the natural sunlight. Her father stood in her doorway with a bobby pin and concerned, yet upset expression.

Tenten hesitantly removed her earbuds and met his gaze. For a minute or two, they just stared at each other. Tenten trying her best not to crack under his gaze. He was worried about her. She could tell. She could always tell what her father was thinking. Unfortunately, the same went for him when it came to the brunette.

Without warning, Tenten started to sob. Her father was by her side in a second, embracing the young girl. Her shoulders shook and tears stung her cheeks. Her nose grew stuffy and she was unable to breath through it. Taking uneven breaths she tried to stop the flow of tears. But it seemed that years of build up had lead to this.

Truth be told, when her mother died wasn't the last time the teen had cried. It had been after that. Not too long from the present day. It was because of that, that Tenten had gone into this mode. Unable to accept Neji's words, she blocked them out.

Because of him.

The brunette let out a pained sob, her voice cracking as she did so. She hugged her father closer and buried her face into his shoulder, soaking his shirt in the process. "Tou-san.. tou-san I-" He gently shushed her, "I know sweetheart. I know."

Tenten continued to cry for a few more minutes before finally pulling away from her father. Wiping her tears away she tried for a smile, "You really are the best dad ever."

He gave her a grin, "I know that! If I wasn't I wouldn't have such a great kid." She laughed dispite the situation. "Thanks dad." Wiping her nose with her sleeve, she took a deep breath. "Are you gonna force me to go to school?"

Her father slightly shook his head, "No. But tomorrow-"

"Okay," she interupted. "I'll go tomorrow." She pulled away and fiddled with her sleeves.

"Tenten," her father called. Looking up she meet his gaze. "Your remind me so much of your mother sometimes." Tenten's eyes slowly widened as she registered his words. Tears quickly filled her eyes as he continued. "She had such a kind heart. Never wanting to hurt anybody. You know that just as well as I do."

Tears left salty trails behind them, where they fell down Tenten's face. Flashbacks of her mother's kind words and actions filling her mind. Unable to stop herself she left out a few choked sobs.

Her father wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into a sideways hug. "You have her eyes, you know. Big and brown, and full of that loving look. I had never seen eyes like those before I met your mother. She was always so full of life." He gave a content sigh. "I was over joyed when she told me that we were having a girl. The thought of having a little girl who was a spitting image of her made me so happy. And look what happened," He said, looking down at his daughter. "My wish came true. Your mother gave birth to a baby girl with big brown eyes. And I got to watch her grow into a beautiful young woman."

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