October 20th

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October 20th

I really do love you Hiccup. I feel complete when I am with you. I feel alive with you. Like all the broken pieces we have finally come back together.
Every time we were sitting in the moonlight, I just wanted to stop time. I didn't ever want to leave that perfect moment I spent with you.
But now knowing were you have ended up, I feel broken. You were my other half to my whole. Without you with me, I can't be in your arms anymore. I feel like there is a tear in my heart. 
When I am with you, I feel like I can forget all my worries.
When I am with you, I can through away all my fears. We are a beautiful mess.
I just want to be back in that time when we were sitting under the moonlight.
Without you here with me, I feel like you took my other half with you.
I can't be in your arms as you make me happy again.
I feel torn without you here with me and I know that you are okay.
You are perfect to me. You may not see it but you are my everything.
You are my favorite part of me. When you stood by my, I didn't feel the worries or fear. Unless it was you who was getting into trouble...
Without you, I feel broke, like a half of a whole. Without you, I've got no hand to hold. Without you, I feel torn like a sail in a storm.
Please wake up...

I love you Hiccup.
I rea-

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