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"How long do you think it'll be until she realizes?"

"I don't know. She seems pretty committed."

Astrid snorts at Hiccup's response. The gang is watching Ruffnut chash Eret around campus. They are currently sitting under a tree. They all snicker as they watch Eret look at Ruffnut in disgust and he hurries away.

Ruffnut pouts and walks back over to them. She glares at Tuffnut who is cackling at her misfortune and punches him hard. He goes down for a moment and then launches himself at Ruffnut. They wrestle around on the ground as the others ignore them, knowing that this will continue for a while.

"So, what now?" Snotlout asks.

"I don't know Einstein, got any bright ideas?" Astrid asks him. He pouts at her response.

"You need to stop hanging out with Hiccup as much. You are catching his sarcasm."

Hiccup and Astrid both roll there eyes. "Your just jealous." Fishlegs tells Snotlout. Snotlout glares at Fishlegs.

"Oh yeah fishbrain? Why am I jealous?"

"You lost Ruffnut because she is now chasing after Eret. And you don't seem to get when girls say no to you after the many times you have poorly flirted with them." Fishlegs says.

Snotlout grumbles, crosses his arms and turns away from them.

Astrid snickers at him. She hears him mutter something about how everyone is teaming up on him today.

The three decide to ignore him and Fishlegs excuses himself, saying something about having to study for an exam. The twins had run off, chasing each other while Snotlout went to go prove that he can get a date and not get rejected.

"Remind me again why we are friends with them?" Astrid says and looks up at Hiccup.

"I don't know. I am not even sure how this all happened."

They decide to talk a walk and spend sometime somewhere quiet. They find somewhere that is away from college students. They sir at a bench by a lake.

They sit in a comfortable silence, neither want to break it. Astrid looks up at Hiccup and stares for a moment. Hiccup notices her gaze and looks at her as she looks away, blushing.

"What?" Hiccup says ssmiling slightly, also supporting a blush. Astrid sighs and smiles. She looks back at Hiccup.

"I'm glad I met you Hiccup."

Hiccup's blush get darker, spreading down his neck. "I'm glad I met you too Astrid." He says softly.

Astrid realizes how they are slowly learning towards each other. So she leans the rest of the way and kisses Hiccup.

(A/N: Hush children. I know it's bad. I didn't know what else to do at the moment. Also, I estimated and there are about 12 more chapters.
More or less.
Depends on what I decide to put.
Also, feel free to send me prompts for future memory chapters)

Won't Give Up [Book 4]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon