October 15th

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October 15th

I swear to the gods I am going to kill him!
What the heck did him do?
Does he not understand that what he did was very stupid?!
That idiot signed the DNR paper!
I am going to kill him!
I don't care what his reasons were, he should've told us what he was going to do!
Now I see how you too are related...
It just frustrates me that he did that without telling us.
What happens if your heart stops?
I know what!
They don't try to save you!
I am in hysterics right ow. 
Knowing that if your heart stops one more time, I will for sure lose you.
I can't lose you Hiccup!
I need you!
Why can't anything go right for you!?
Just once!

Please wake up! I need you now more than ever!

Won't Give Up [Book 4]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt