Entry #2

314 17 5

August 13th

I can tell what they are doing. I don't like it. They aren't acting there usual selves around me.
I appreciate the thought but it bothers me.
It's like they refuse to disagree with me. The others only like my opinion on things.
They try not to upset me. I don't fully understand why they won't give me their own opinions and thoughts on things.
At first, I was confused what they were doing. Then as time went on, I found this all out. But never did I find out why.
Why they agree with everything I say.
Why they refuse to playfully insult each other. They do that all the time.
Is it me?
Are they doing it be because they don't want to be friends with me anymore and they are trying to make sure that they don't upset me before they tell me?
If they are...
It's not working.

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