May 5th/15

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May 5th

It has been three months since the accident. And yes, I am counting.
Doctors say that they don't know if you will wake up anytime soon or not.
I am voting for soon.

Ruffnut found Tuffnut's pressure point. It was pretty entertaining.
By the way, it is on his right elbow.
Toothless misses you. Of course he would.
I miss you.
I want you to wake up.
I have no idea what else to say.
Just... Please wake up.
I need you Hiccup.
I can't lose you.

Your worried girlfriend,

May 15th

It has been three months. I still believe that you will wake up.
It's sad really. Nothing seems happy anymore. Everyone else on campus seem oblivious to everything.
I don't think any of them know what happened because they don't really seem like they care.
But that is how people act these days.
I have lost faith in all humanity.
But I haven't lost faith in you.
So please...
Wake up!

Slowly getting more desperate,

Won't Give Up [Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now